Everyone but Quinton laughed, and my cheeks heated. I didn’t know why they were laughing, I wasn’t joking in the slightest.

Quinton opened his mouth, probably to say something unfortunate, but I raised my hand, stopping him. I wasn’t done yet, and I didn’t want interruptions.

“For richer or poorer,” I said as I looked around at the rest of them. “But, please, for my benefit, can we never do the poor thing? Because I’ve already been there and done that. It wasn’t necessarily fun, and now I kind of like having nice things. I’m a bit spoiled now, and I like it.”

People laughed again. This time I shrugged it off. They could laugh at me all they wanted, I knew it wasn’t because they were making fun of me. They were all here because they loved me, and that was all I needed to focus on.

“Till death do us part, all of us. But what’s more” —I eyed Tyson— “I promise to always have faith and trust in you. I’ll be there to help guide you through any dream. I’ll be your best friend, always.”

My eyes moved to Julian next. “I’ll hold your hand through any scary movie, and I’ll never complain when you make me watch the stupid mushy ones that make you cry.”

I eyed Damien who still looked as smug as he could get. “I’ll let you dress me up like your own personal doll whenever you want, and I’ll even let you pick out all my clothes for the rest of my life.”

I tugged on the link to Dash in my chest so he knew it was his turn now. “I’ll hold your hand in the dark when the nightmares become too much. Hell, I’ll even let you do the same for me. And, if it would make you happy, I’ll leave my shit all over the place so you can pick up after me because you’re a crazy man who enjoys that kind of thing. And I will never treat you like how any of the other women in your life before me have treated you.”

My salt and pepper twins were last, and my eyes shifted back and forth between them. “I will never pick a favorite between you, and I will always love you both equally. I’ll even fuck your brother for you while you’re already with me because that’s how you need it to be.”

Both of the dads were outraged and spitting out vile curse words that I was choosing to ignore. Whatever, this was my show, and I could go about it any damn way that I saw fit.

Though, to be fair, I had kind of stolen the show from my guys. Whatever they had expected or planned for tonight, I was sure it hadn’t been this.

But they certainly weren’t complaining, that was for sure.

My guys all moved closer to me, pressing in. If I didn’t finish this last bit now, they were going to pounce, and I wouldn’t get a chance to.

“Because that’s love. And that’s all I have to give you. Now it’s yours, all yours. Forever.”

“Forever,” Dash said as he reached for me.

“Always,” Quinton vowed as he pressed into my back.

Damien and Julian were holding hands. They both grabbed my right hand with their free hand and held on tight, including me in their little triangle of love. No words were needed to be spoken because that said it all.

Tyson inserted himself beside his uncle and he laid his cheek on my shoulder. “Always and forever,” he repeated softly.

My salt and pepper twins copied Damien and Julian, and they grabbed my left hand, holding it between them.

“Thank you for being our family,” Addison whispered as he caressed my fingers reverently.

“This is the best moment of our lives,” Abel whispered, sounding identical to his brother.

“You’re perfect,” Quinton whispered into my ear for only me to hear. “Thank you for always taking such good care of our family. Fuck, baby, but I love you. I couldn’t love you more if I tried.”

A tear escaped my eye and very slowly made its descent down my cheek.

They didn’t need to give me fancy words, I didn’t want them. I already knew just how much each and every single one of them loved me, and it was greater than the stars in the sky.

They held me close in their arms while I cried, and I couldn’t help but think it might have been the best night in my life as well.

Even though I had completely hijacked it from the guys.

And it wasn’t over yet.


Isobel was drunk.

I wasn’t sure if Rain was too.