They were dancing together, and Romero couldn’t take his eyes off of either of them. I would have been concerned for Isobel if Romero wasn’t looking at her with just as much lust as he was looking at Rain with.

They were three psychos who did not need to get together. Two I could handle. Three was likely to burn the whole fucking place to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes and rubble in their wake.

The whole thing was concerning, but since I had a good buzz going myself, and I was happier than I had been in a really long time, I decided it could wait for another day. Or maybe I could get myself something that would completely wipe this nonsense from my mind forever.

I was choosing to remain happy because I didn’t get to be this happy often, and really, they weren’t hurting anyone and they were happy too. And, let’s be real here, they hadn’t had that much happiness in their lives either. They deserved this as much as I did.

Finally, though, it seemed Dash had taken notice of his father’s fixation, and when he didn’t have his eyes on me, they were on Romero. He looked slightly confused but mostly concerned. Boy, didn’t that make me feel a whole lot better about the situation.

The guys had a lovely setup for after the ceremony, and everyone had been invited to it. Everyone showed up and, to my utter happiness, Raven’s coven had been invited and they were all here.

I hadn’t had the chance to speak with them yet, but it meant the world to me that they were here. I knew they had only been invited on my behalf because if it were up to the guys, I wouldn’t ever be allowed to be around another coven again.

What surprised me more was that Finn had also gotten an invite and he actually showed. His two boys were with him at his side, but they were also very much separate. It wasn’t anything obvious, but I could tell they were with Finn but they weren’t actuallywithhim. Good for them. Still, I wanted to corner them when Finn’s back was turned and offer them a place to stay at the house next door that was very much away from Finn.

After my last conversation with Finn, I hadn’t expected I would see him again for a good long while.

At least I had hoped.

Just my luck.

So far, he’d stayed away from me and kept his distance, and I hoped it stayed like that.

The guys had set up tables out here. They were long, rectangular, and had comfortable high-backed chairs pushed up to them. They were covered in white gauzy tablecloths. All the tables were set up with fancy-looking plates and silverware, along with wine glasses, champagne flutes, and all the good stuff. I had assumed they’d come from one of Quinton’s storage units, but the man himself had told me without my asking that Rain had shown up with them. Apparently they belonged to my family, and Rain had no intention of taking them home with him after this. No, they were mine now. I had no idea what he expected me to do with them, but I was happy to keep them.

There were flowers and candles everywhere, covering every table. The whole thing was lovely but not over the top and in your face. I loved it.

There were small fires in low to the ground barrels with pretty cushions strewn all around them on the ground.

A table had been set aside with buffet style pans set up on it, and it was all ready to go, self-serve style. I didn’t know who’d made the food, because it had been ordered from some catering company, but I did know that they’d only been called after Damien had offered to cook everything.

A bar had been erected beside the food table, and this I did not understand because over half the people in attendance were underage, myself included.

But I got it when Raven’s coven took advantage of it.

Then the dads and Isobel.

Then the majority of my coven started imbibing as well, so I said to hell with it and went for the bubbly. Champagne was my absolute favorite, and I was finding it went well with all occasions. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Dates. All the good stuff.

I didn’t know who put the music on, but The Devil Makes Three played through the clearing. That was when the dancing had started.

At first it had just been Isobel out there by herself. Then Damien and Julian joined her, but they kept separate and danced intimately with each other. I had a hard time taking my eyes off of them. Right here, but out in the open and in front of everyone, they were being true to themselves and didn’t care who was watching.

I loved every second of it, and given the way the rest of my guys were watching them, I could tell they loved it too.

Today was a day for love, so when Isobel dragged Rain out to dance with her, I decided to ignore them and go back to drinking my bubbly and watching all the happy people around me.

A lot of the boys had taken up the cushions around the fires, and they were given all the fixings for s’mores and sticks to roast the marshmallows on over the fires. It was the most I’d seen them relaxed since meeting them in that horrible basement filled with despair.

I held out hope for them that maybe with enough time here without anyone abusing them they might find the chance to heal. Hope wasn’t really something I knew much about, so I’d keep my fingers crossed too, just for the hell of it. I could be a superstitious fool.

“We’re going to need to do something about this before it gets too far,” Dash said as he sat down in the empty seat beside me. I followed his line of sight and saw he was talking about this situation with the dads and Isobel.

I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t because he was dead serious and laughing at him would be mean.

I decided to share some hard truths with him. “Your dad has been making eyes at my dad since the moment he got here. Rain doesn’t let it bother him, but then again, Isobel has also been making eyes at him since she got here too. So he’s had some time to get used to it. When your dad decided to start looking at Isobel with interest is news to me. Tonight’s just the first time I’ve seenthat.”

I sat back in my chair, lifted my glass to my lips, and drained that sucker dry. I desperately needed a refill. Or a whole freaking bottle.