He grinned at me devilishly, and I just knew I wasn’t going to like what he said next. “I’ve got your signature down, I’ve been practicing, so if you think you’re getting out of making this official, have no fear, I’ll just go right ahead and sign that bad boy for you…wife.”

Dear Lord.

This man really was just too much at times, and he drove me flipping nuts.

The people around us openly laughed, Rain and Tyson being the loudest. This was just the kind of high-handed behavior my dad could get behind, and Tyson sure loved to support his uncle.

I squeezed Quinton’s hands and held his gaze. “Quinton Alexander, you are the biggest pain in the ass that I will probably ever have in my entire life. I just hope you know how lucky you are that I love you, because a lesser woman would not put up with this nonsense from you.”

I shook my head in disgruntlement as I dropped his hands and took a step back. “Dad,” I called out, and he was suddenly at my side. I held out my hand to him, and he placed the box I’d given him earlier in it. “Thank you.”

I had thought long and hard about how I wanted to do this. I’d found the store online and picked out what I wanted. Rain had gone and picked them up for me because the stupid place didn’t do shipping, which was obnoxious in this day and age.

The guys had given me a ring, and I only thought it was fair if I did the same for them. But I didn’t think they needed something as fancy as mine, just something that marked them as taken for the whole world to see. I went with wide black bands, and I had the undersides engraved with cursive lettering that read, “Till Death Do Us Part.”

I performed a little magical mumbo jumbo on them, and once they slid on one of those fingers, that sucker was never coming off. They’d either have to cut their finger off to remove it or wait until I died for the magic to break its hold.

But I wasn’t going to tell them that. I would let it be their own little special surprise.

Since Quinton was the closest, I’d do him first. “Give me your left hand, please.”

He held out his left hand to me, and I plucked one of the rings out of the box. I slipped the ring onto his finger and couldn’t help brushing my fingertips across the top of it lovingly.

I bent over his hand and placed a soft kiss on top of his ring and heard him suck in a sharp breath.

I dropped his hand and stepped back. I had things to say, but they would come when I could say them to all of them.

I made my way around the arbor, stopping in front of each of them.

Tyson held out his hand without making me ask for it. His smile was so big and bright as I slipped his ring on his finger that I imagined it hurt his face. I didn’t think I had ever seen him look so happy before.

Dash openly cried when I slid his ring on his finger. Happy tears on Dash’s face were a beautiful, miraculous thing to behold. I reached up and swiped one of the tears up with my fingertip. I popped the finger in my mouth and sucked off the salty moisture. Tears of joy… fucking delicious.

Damien didn’t make me ask for his hand either. He bounced on the balls of his feet as he plucked the ring right out of my fingers and slid it onto his own damn finger. He practically vibrated with smug arrogance, and I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of me.

Julian stood as still as a statue while I slid his ring onto his finger. His eyes were so hot as they watched me that it felt like a physical touch. I bent over to kiss his ring, like I had Quinton’s, but Julian had other thoughts. He grabbed hold of the back of my neck and jerked me forward until my body slammed into his. My mouth dropped open, and he swooped in to press his lips against mine. He kissed me fast and sweet before stepping back and winking at me.

I heard Rain grumble something unfriendly, and I wanted to laugh. If any of the others had pulled that move, Rain wouldn’t have cared, but because it was Jules, Rain thought he had a right to be upset.

“Best thing anyone’s ever given me, slugger. I’ll never take it off.”

The joke was going to be on him if he tried.

The twins stood side by side as they waited for me. I didn’t know which one to go to first, and I didn’t want them to think I was picking favorites because I didn’t have one when it came to the two of them. They looked at each other knowingly, and they both nodded at the same time as if they were agreeing silently to something.

Addison stuck his hand out to me first, and I slipped his ring on. As soon as he had it on, he pressed his palm flat against his chest right over his heart. I slipped Abel’s ring on his finger, and he immediately mirrored his brother with his palm pressed flat against his chest right over his heart as well.

“We love it,” Addison swore.

“Just like we love you,” Abel finished for his brother.

My salt and pepper twins were taking this more seriously than I’d ever seen them be about anything before. I appreciated that.

I squared my shoulders and turned to face them all. The easy part was over, now came the part I knew I was going to struggle with. I grappled with my emotions often, and there was no lying and saying it hadn’t been a serious struggle to get here. But I wasn’t really one for making grand speeches about love. I had no problems telling them that I loved them, but this was very different from that. This was a one-time thing, and I absolutely could not afford to get it wrong.

I fisted my hands in the fabric of my skirt as my eyes went from one man to the next.

My eyes stopped on Quinton, and I cleared my throat. “Uh, just so you know… I promisenotto obey you. But Iwillabsolutely love you in sickness and in health for the rest of my days, even when all I really want to do is punch you in the face.”