Chapter Twenty

‘Iknow it’s busy outhere, but can I borrow one of you, please?’ Elsie popped her head through the kitchen door into the bakery and called across to the bakery counter.

Looking over at Heidi and Diane, who were both serving customers, Brooke put down the cloth she’d been using to wipe the counter. ‘Shall I go?’

‘Yes, that’d be great. Thanks.’ Diane nodded as she boxed up four doughnuts.

‘Thanks, love.’ Elsie held the door open as Brooke walked through before letting it swing shut. ‘Wendy’s coming to collect the cake and food for Hudson’s party in half an hour and I’m still finishing off the mini pizzas and sausage rolls, but have to ice the shortbread biscuits, too. Would you be able to finish icing the biscuits, please?’

‘Yes, of course.’ Positioning herself at the large steel table opposite Elsie, Brooke picked up the piping bag. ‘What am I doing?’

‘I’d envisioned little green dinosaur faces, but whatever you like, love.’

‘Okay.’ Frowning, Brooke drew a dinosaur head whilst squeezing the icing bag. ‘Does this look okay?’

‘That’s perfect. Thank you.’ Elsie grinned as she rolled a sheet of pastry.

‘More passable than perfect, but I’m hoping a bunch of three-year-olds won’t be very judgy.’ Brooke laughed as she began icing another cookie.

‘Have you accepted the offer on your gran’s house yet? Have you given it any more thought?’ Elsie glanced across the table before cutting the large sausage roll into small sections.

‘Yes, I rang them earlier. I’ve accepted it. It was a good offer and from how the estate agent spoke of them, they’re good people.’ Brooke nodded.

‘And how do you feel?’

Brooke put the icing bag down and turned one of the biscuits around. ‘Okay, I think. I still keep wondering if I’m making the right decision, but I know that I wouldn’t be happy living there myself. Not without them. It would always feel as though something was missing.’

Elsie nodded. ‘That’s good, you’ve made a decision then. It must be a weight off your shoulders?’

‘Kind of.’ Brooke sighed. ‘Although I have absolutely no idea where I’m going to live. Plus. I need to think about getting another job. If I use the money from the sale to buy my own place, the extra will probably only cover a few months’ bills at best, so I need to start looking for a job.’ She shuddered. She had so much to do and the estate agent had assured her the buyers had no chain, which she was sure would have been good news for most sellers but for her, it just meant the reality of having to find a house for herself was becoming very real. She paused and looked across at Elsie. ‘I’ve just thought, will I even be able to buy a house while the sale is going through? Or would I need a deposit? I have no idea. I’ve never bought before.’

‘It can all go through on the same day. When you exchange contracts, their deposit will become yours. Their money will go through to you and then you’ll be able to buy your place. All on the same day.’

‘Ah okay.’ Brooke took a deep breath in. ‘I suddenly wondered if I really would end up homeless for a few days then. Still, I’ve got no idea where to buy or what I’m looking for or anything and I need to start looking now because if I take too long the buyers could drop out and then I might find somewhere and...’ She wiped her forearm across her forehead. There was too much to think about.

‘You could always come and live down here for a while until you decide where you want to put roots down. You could have a job in the bakery for the summer. Heidi starts her new job at the council next week and with it being the school holidays, we’re going to be jam-packed every day.’

Brooke watched a dollop of green icing drip from the piping bag onto the surface of the table. Had Elsie really offered her a job? ‘Really?

Elsie smiled. ‘Yes, really. It might give you a little space to think about things.’

‘I don’t know what to say.’ Brooke swallowed, a lump forming in the back of her throat. ‘I’d love to.’

Chuckling, Elsie placed the small sausage rolls onto a baking tray. ‘That was a quick decision.’

Brooke grinned. ‘Yes, I suppose it was, but there’s not really much to think about. I’ve really enjoyed staying here in the bay and I’ve not felt as welcomed and happy in a job since... well, ever. Besides, as you say, it’ll give me a bit of time to get my head around everything that’s happened and decide where I want to live.’ It would also give her a little more time with Max before he left.

Walking behind Brooke as she took the tray to the oven, Elsie kissed the top of her head. ‘Well, I am pleased. And so will the girls be.’


SWITCHING HUDSON’Sbirthday present into the other hand, Brooke rubbed her cheeks. As much as they were aching, she just couldn’t stop grinning. After she’d accepted the job and the bakery had closed up early for Hudson’s party, Elsie had told Teresa, Diane, Molly and Heidi the good news and had all seemed genuinely happy that she had decided to stay on. She was no longer unemployed. She had a job there at the bakery. She could take some time to properly think about her future. To plan. She could spend more time with Max. They could give their fledging relationship a solid start before he had to go back to work, and she moved on. If things between them continued the way they had been going, there was a chance she could even buy her new house near where he lived.