She shook her head. It was too early to be thinking like that. Far too early. But that’s what was so great about Elsie’s job offer—it gave her time. It gave them time.

Her smile widened as she saw Max come out of his grandma’s front garden. As soon as he’d spotted her, he grinned and picked up his pace.

‘I thought I was meeting you at the bakery?’ Pausing, he kissed her before they turned and carried on up the hill towards the community hall.

‘I know, but I’ve just had some fantastic news and I couldn’t wait to share it with you.’

‘Oh yes? What news?’ Pausing again, Max turned to her.

‘Elsie’s offered me a job at the bakery for the summer! It means I can relax a bit and take my time before deciding where to live. And it’ll give me a bit of time to start applying for jobs too.’

‘Oh wow! That’s brilliant.’ He clasped her free hand. ‘That’s really good news.’

‘I know. It also means I won’t have to go and live back in my grandparents’ house while the sale goes through.’ She wasn’t sure what the best part of Elsie’s job offer had been, the fact she’d have a few weeks to think and plan or the fact she wouldn’t have to move back and spent weeks dodging memories.

‘You know what else it means, don’t you?’


‘That we’ll have more time together before we have to take things long distance.’

‘I know. Elsie’s suggestion is pretty perfect.’ Leaning forward, she hugged him.

‘It sure is.’

‘It means I’ve got to find somewhere else to stay though as they’ll be another volunteer turning up when my time as a volunteer ends but compared to what I had to think about a few hours ago, it doesn’t feel like a huge hurdle.’

‘I can help. I’ll get my grandma on the case. She knows everyone in the bay, she’s sure to know someone with a room to rent.’

‘Great. Thank you.’

Chapter Twenty One

Brooke and Max couldhear the music, excited screams and laughter before they’d even pulled open the door to the community hall. ‘Ready for an afternoon of mayhem?’

‘Go for it.’ Max grinned.