‘They will. This must be the push you need to work out what you want to do.’

‘Maybe.’ She closed her eyes. She was literally jobless, homeless, and familyless. If that was even a word. She was alone. Dipping her head, she let the tears flow freely. ‘Have I done the right thing? By selling the house? Should I have lived in it?’

‘Only you know what’s best for you, but you put it on the market for a reason.’ He spoke softly.

‘I did. Since I lost my job and had to give up my flat, I’ve been staying there and it just got too much. The memories. Every time I walk through the door, it would take me a moment to realise that my gran wasn’t there anymore.’ She leaned into his shoulder, relaxing against his body as he hugged her. ‘I know it’s good that’s it being sold. The estate agent said the people who put an offer in are a couple with three young children. It will be nice for the place to become a family home again. They’ll breathe new life into it. It would be what my grandparents would want. They wouldn’t want me hanging onto it and not enjoying it, not enjoying the memories.’ She sighed. It was the right thing. It was. It would just take a little while for her heart to catch up with her head. That was all.

‘Some transitions in life are more difficult than others.’

‘Yep.’ She closed her eyes, the tears finally slowing to a stop.



The voice was quiet, gentle, but loud enough to wake her up. Blinking, it took her a while to adjust to the dim light of the moon as she slowly realised she must have fallen asleep on the beach. Lifting her head from Max’s lap, she looked at him and cleared her throat. ‘How long was I asleep for?’

Checking his watch, Max grinned. ‘A good couple of hours.’

‘Oh no.’ Yawning, she stretched her arms to the sky. ‘Have you just been sitting there all this time? Why didn’t you wake me?’

‘Because it seemed as though you needed the sleep. Besides, you looked cute.’ He shrugged. ‘Apart from the snoring. You scared off the seagulls with that.’

‘Oi! I don’t snore!’ Laughing, she gently tapped his arm.

‘Tell that to the seagulls.’ Max chuckled before standing and stretching. ‘We’d best get you back. Elsie will be wondering where you are.’

‘What is the time?’

‘Nearly midnight.’

Covering her mouth, she yawned again. ‘I can’t believe I fell asleep on you.’

‘I sometimes have that effect.’ Holding out his hands, he waited for her to take them before pulling her to standing.

‘Sorry, I’ve ruined a perfectly lovely evening.’

‘You really haven’t. But you do say sorry too much.’ Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close.

‘Sorry, I...’ Brooke laughed. ‘We’d better get home.’
