“Yes, Zosi,” Kye said with a smile. “Eason and I spoke, we’re in complete agreement. If you want us, then we are yours.”

I had so many things I wanted to ask them, but I had held back the Siren as long as possible. I needed to hear one more thing though.

“Eason, do you truly want to be claimed by me?” If I thought my voice was seductive before, this time it was full of sin. It had escalated from hinting at things to come, to making you believe you were in the middle of passionate sex from your wildest dreams.

“Yes, mi amor,” Eason whispered. “I felt the pull to you that day on the beach. When you surfaced with Kye in your arms, I wanted you. I’m ashamed to admit I was jealous when he returned bearing your mark. I am yours. Please.”

The words were strangled but spoken with conviction. His voice had cracked with the last word, a desperate plea. His need, and likely my venom, ran wild through his veins.


So, I sank my fangs back into his neck. My own need was a living thing inside me that was trying to claw its way out. The taste of my venom mixing with the exotic spice of his blood was too much. My skin felt too tight, and my blood too hot. Sweated coated every inch of me that bobbed above the water’s surface. Every few minutes, pain from my wounds would surge through my body like a lightning bolt streaking across an angry night sky. Instead of dousing my lust, the pain, in some twisted way, added to my pleasure.

In my feverish haze, I must have injected Eason with more of my toxin than I intended to, or perhaps my Siren nature did it purposely. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. With some of my emotions beginning to break through, I was beginning to believe she hid a wicked side. Each time I sucked in a mouthful of his rich blood, Eason’s hips bucked against me. His hand tangled in my hair, cradling my head in the crook of his neck, and tempting me to drain him of every last drop.

I couldn’t unlatch myself from his neck, my need for nourishment too demanding. Other parts of my body clenched in a different kind of need, one that grew more frenzied as the two men continued to arch and grind against me. Their erections burned against my skin even beneath the cool waters. Eason’s fingers dug harder into my hips, his breathing becoming labored as he moaned and jerked against me. The dose of venom he had received was pushing him to mate with me and seek his release. I moaned into his skin; the overwhelming sensations were almost more than I could bear. I felt the Siren’s satisfaction with her work; she was enjoying his growing roughness, she wanted him to lose control.

Hands stroked along my skin, moving lower until fingers teased across the scales that hid my secret place. I arched and whimpered. Eason responded to the sound by slamming me impossibly tight against him.

“Chill, man. I’m trying to help you both.” Kye’s voice was harsh, but it wasn’t from anger.

Eason growled. The absurdity of a human male growling should have been humorous, but my body responded to it by sending another wave of slick to my core.

“Eason!” Kye snapped. “My hand’s trapped between your bodies. I don’t want to be anywhere near your junk, so ease up so I can help, or at least give me enough room to pull my hand free.” Kye’s voice was sharp, the command permeating through Eason’s lust.

Eason not only eased back, but he angled to the side, giving Kye more room to work without accidentally touching Eason’s ‘junk.’ What a strange human word. Kye wasted no time and without hesitation, his fingers zeroed in on my most sensitive scales as if flashing lights were showing him their location.

The first soft brush had my body lurching forward, although with Kye pinning my back against his chest, I didn’t move much.

“Be still, mermaid.”

My body obeyed his command, relaxing back against him. It was then that I noticed something that had escaped my attention. Both men were nude. They had been smart enough to realize how quickly things would accelerate once I was given a taste of blood.

It took Kye several tries to find the hidden slit; I could have helped him but the heavy petting was far too pleasurable. With a jolt, his finger buried itself inside me. My walls quivered as his finger stroked and explored. He brushed over the tiny pearls that formed a row on the bottom wall of my slick tunnel. They weren’t true pearls, but I didn’t know what else to call them. My previous body hadn’t possessed these sensitive spots. His finger circled them, and then flicked down the delicate strand several times in a row. My pleasure built with a speed that made me light-headed.

“Do these give you pleasure––”

Kye’s words were cut off as I retracted my fangs from Eason’s skin and screamed my release. The sun was low in the sky, and the briny air around us had grown cool.

“I guess that answered my question.” I felt his satisfaction leak through the bond.

Ignoring him, I reached down and captured Eason’s erection in my hand. I enjoyed the heavy weight of it as I worked the rigid length in my hand.

“Babe, Eason isn’t feeling so well. You whammied him with a massive dose of your kinky cocktail.” Kye snickered for a moment at some joke I didn’t understand before continuing. “I continued feeling worse until we both orgasmed, and you claimed me. I wish this could be longer for you, but our current situation is a bit dire.”

Guilt washed over me. He was right. Eason’s breathing was shallow, and his heartbeat was too fast. The skin that normally reminded me of the golden sands of my homeland had turned grey. Would my venom kill him? I didn’t know. Tartarus! I was still figuring out how it worked and trying to control the fickle toxin.

It was now or never. Bracing one hand on Eason’s shoulder, I steadied myself so I could guide his length inside me with the other hand. His erection jerked in my hand like a living thing, making the task far more challenging than it should have been. I finally slid the first two inches inside me, gasping and sinking my nails into his shoulder. He was too far gone with the venom in his blood, and with a single hard thrust he sheathed himself inside me completely. I ground my teeth together. Ecstasy and pain blended together until I couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began.

Eason’s body shivered against my own, his strong arms trembled where they wrapped around me. His skin was clammy, the toxin and blood loss taking a toll on him. The good news is that I am able to control my buoyancy, as long as I’m conscious. He wouldn’t sink while holding onto me. The bad news was that my fin wasn’t healed enough for me to move it. I had been careful to keep it still since awakening to speed the healing process. What a pair we made—both eager to bond, yet one of us sick and the other injured.

I shouldn’t have worried, though. Kye had also realized our problem. His hands shifted to my hips, and with steady movements he began to pull my hips away from Eason. Just before Eason’s shaft would have sprung free, Kye pushed me forward. It should have been strange and off-putting. Instead, it stole the breath from my lungs. I was bonding with my second soulmate, and my first was helping me with a tenderness that brought tears to my eyes. I hated the circumstances that forced this situation, but deep in my heart this moment would be one that I treasured forever. The warrior who hid her loneliness behind a shield was now hidden between two men who loved her.

He began to move my hips faster, my desire galloping through me like a herd of mustangs. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, drowning the sounds of the world around me. I climaxed, stars bursting in my vision in a sparkling shower. I buried my fangs into the shoulder of the man who roared and pulsed inside me as he found his own release. I repeated the Greek words I loved so much and watched as the aquamarine light etched my mark on his chest and shoulder, a visual sign of my claim.

We heaved against each other for a minute. Relief flooded me as his heartbeat slowed and color returned to his skin. He would be okay.

“I am sorry, Zosime,” Kye said gently. “Storm is worse and there isn’t a boat in sight. We are capable of swimming the miles back to shore, and pulling you and Storm with us, but we won’t make it in time. You are his only hope.”

He pulled me away from Eason, spinning me in the water until I pressed against him. Angling his neck, he pleaded with me, “Drink, baby. Take it all if you need to. Heal yourself and heal my brother. Please.”

Unshed tears shone in his eyes, and I felt an answering tear well up in mine. I wrapped my arms around him, embracing this man with a heart too big for his chest. With gentleness, I kissed his neck and then pressed my fangs into his artery. He twitched but didn’t jerk away. One of his hands moved to rub soothing circles on my back. He was trying to comfort a monster of the deep, even as her toxin pumped into his veins.

I knew in the end the toxin would amplify his pleasure, but that didn’t negate the reality that combined with the blood loss; it would make him feel ill and weaken him. Tears of shame leaked from my eyes and fell onto his neck. I had to figure out how to control this curse before they grew tired of the side effects of loving me. I also needed to get a grip on my emotions before they distracted me and cost someone their life.