The giant man declared his love for me, then shushed me. He pinned me against his chest, careful not to hurt me, while also not giving me enough room to wiggle free. I wanted to be angry with him, but the truth was that I didn’t know if I could make it on my own in my current condition.

The knife wound in my side had widened during the shark frenzy, and lacerations covered my body. The worst was the damage to my ankles and fluke. Skin hung from my tail, and I thought I saw the flash of white bone. Blood was leaking into the water at a rate that didn’t bode well for my long-term survival.

I was in a bad position. If I were able to drink my fill of blood, my body would stitch itself back together. I shuddered, remembering the incident with boat blades that happened shortly after I had awakened. If I had healed from those injuries, then I could heal from these. The main issue was my inability to hunt due to being unable to swim, and I couldn’t heal until I got blood. Groaning, I dropped my head onto Eason’s chest.

“I know it hurts. Is there anything I can do to help you?”he asked gently.

“Not unless you are willing to let me sink my fangs into you and drink my fill. Also, if I drink from you, it’s likely my venom will have…uncomfortable side-effects for you.”

His heart stuttered. If he feared me, why would he be working so hard to keep me alive? I wished I could hear his thoughts, but my mind was silent. My body must be in worst shape than I thought for my abilities to be so weak.

“What type of effects?” His husky voice sent another shudder through me. The longer I was around these men, the stronger the pull toward them became.

“It will intensify your sexual desires,” I muttered. “I will likely be lost to the Siren’s nature and unable to resist my own desires.”

“You desire me?” He sounded hopeful.

“Of course. You are meant to be mine, and I am meant to be claimed by you.” I wanted to close my mouth and stop myself from rambling, but exhaustion had loosened my tongue. “I don’t know how Kye would feel about it, and I do not want to hurt him. I understand he changed his mind, and I will honor his decision. Among my people, the bond is not something we are able to dishonor, so I cannot take another mate without his agreement.”

“But if he agreed, you would want to complete the binding with me?”

“Yes, without question. I would do it, even knowing you might leave me behind.” My eyes were growing heavier with each passing second.

“What will my blood do for you?”I heard Eason whisper.

“It is my best chance at survival. I cannot heal without blood. Even if I drink from you, it may not be enough. I’m not a medical doctor, but I think I am bleeding internally.”

“What if you drank from Kye and me? Would that be enough for you to heal?” Worry strained his voice.

“Yes. I would be able to heal Storm’s injuries as well. I can smell his blood. Too much blood.” I wished he would stop talking; I was tired and wanted to sleep.

“We thought you might be able to heal him. Kye’s head injury was healed when you brought him back to the boat. You really could heal Storm? Are you sure?”


Numbness wrapped me in its embrace, freeing me from the excruciating pain that clawed at my sanity. My heart stumbled, no longer a steady rhythm, but all I felt was relief. I could sleep now.

* * *

Warm liquid spicecoated my throat, reminding me of the chai tea I had tasted while traveling thousands of years ago. I sloshed the liquid around my mouth, wanting to savor it. The scent of saltwater, sweat, aromatic spices, and manly musk threatened to overwhelm my senses. Sunshine warmed my aching body, making me want to arch my back in a deep feline stretch. Cool water lapped at my waist, occasionally splashing over my shoulders. I doubted anything could have made the moment more perfect.

Then, a husky male growl vibrated through my body. Coming out of my drunken daze, I snapped open my eyes. The world around me was unfocused and I struggled to clear my vision. I retracted my fangs and tilted myself back in the arms of the man holding me. Eason’s lust-filled amber eyes bore into mine. I gasped in a shocked breath, as pieces started to click into place.

I had passed out, and Eason had found a way to get me to swallow enough blood to begin the healing process in my body. At some point, my body, or more likely the Siren, had taken over and decided to take what we wanted…and that was Eason. I felt the hard length of him press against my stomach, leaving no doubt in my mind that he wanted me too.

My voice croaked as I tried to recall how to use my vocal cords.

“Did I hurt you?” I didn’t even recognize my voice. Since waking, my voice was lower and huskier than it had been before the battle. This low-pitched voice was pure silky seduction. I hadn’t sung the words, but they carried a lilt that suggested naughty things that made me blush. I had coped each time my body changed and adapted, but I wasn’t sure I could handle having a voice that made me blush every time I spoke.

Eason moaned, and I felt his body press harder against mine. To my utter surprise, another body pressed against my back, trapping me between two people. The moment his skin touched mine, I knew it was my Kye. He trailed kissed down my spine, while his hands gripped my hips and held me in place against his rock-hard manhood. My voice might have made me blush in embarrassment, but it appeared to have a much larger impact on these men.

Eason and Kye continued to kiss and lick at my skin, neither man seeming inclined to answer me. I would not allow things to go any further until my questions were answered.

“I need to know if I have injured anyone,” I said. My skin flushed at the sound of my voice and their hard muscled bodies trembled against mine.

“You haven’t hurt anyone. Eason was bitten, but he wanted that.” Kye sounded as if he were speaking through a throat filled with gravel. Parts of me grew wet, and it had nothing to do with the water surrounding us.

“Kye, I need to know you are okay with this,” I continued. “I can stop now but if I take more of his blood to heal myself, I will end up claiming him. It cannot be undone. Being bonded to multiple mates was common among my people, but I do not believe it is the same with the humans of today.” As I spoke, my body quivered in need. I needed blood to heal, but I needed so much more.