Ifelt her tears falling on my neck and my guilt made me sick. She must feel like we were using her, yet she was allowing it. In exchange for our blood to heal herself, we were asking that she heal us as well. Her heart had stopped beating earlier and my tattoo had burned like a fiery brand. She had died, and here we were using both her body and her abilities.

Eason had sliced open his arm, prying her mouth open until he was able to let the blood pour into her mouth. She hadn’t swallowed and it began to flow from the side of her mouth and into the ocean. I had massaged her throat, working the blood down into her stomach and praying it wouldn’t get into her lungs since I wasn’t sure if that would drown her or not. Her heart fluttered one, two, three times before beginning to beat. Her pulse so faint it was hard to find.

Once she was swallowing on her own, we had shifted her up against Eason’s chest, her head lolling against his collarbone. With a piece of floating debris, I nicked his neck and angled her mouth over the spot. We held our breaths, waiting to see if her instincts would kick in. I barely kept from whooping in relief when she began to suck, and then sank her fangs into his skin.

I moved quickly to help him out of his tattered wetsuit before removing mine as well. If she woke as a predator, we were willing to accept whatever she demanded. If she managed to regain control, we hoped to plead our case for her to save Storm. We didn’t want anything in the way.

Storm had regained consciousness while we had been working with Zosime, staying conscious just long enough for us to ask if he would be willing to bond with her if it became necessary for his survival. He admitted that he was pulled toward her, but he begged us to wait if possible.

Storm was a man that walked into a room with a confidence that made lesser men cower, but he was also a hopeless romantic. He wanted to plan a romantic evening for their bonding, a special night to show her his love first. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen. He either bonded with her now, or not at all.

“Eason, you need to rest,” I said to my brother. “The effects will take a while to wear off, but from my experience, sleep will speed the process up. We are going to have a long swim ahead of us once Storm’s injuries are healed, and we may need to drag him with us until the toxin leaves his system.”

Eason nodded, still dazed. He managed to slip back into his wetsuit, and then floated on the surface of the water on his back. His eyes closed almost immediately.

I could feel my blood beginning to heat, Zosi’s sweet toxin exciting my every nerve ending. Blinking my eyes to clear my blurred vision, I locked gazes with Fynn.

“How is he?”I asked.

“His heart rate is steady, but it is continuing to slow,” he whispered. “Blood is no longer pumping into the sea, but I’m worried that is because he has lost too much blood.” He didn’t bother to hide his fear. Storm wasn’t going to make it.

“Drink, Zosi, drink.” My voice cracked. I didn’t care if she heard me beg. All five of us had to survive this. I couldn’t handle losing another family. My parents, my twin, and my baby sister. I hadn’t been able to save them, and I had lived with the guilt of being the only one to survive. Eason and Storm had pulled me from that dark place and had given me a family to anchor myself to. That family now included Zosi and Fynn.

“Zosime, I want you to know I didn’t mean to leave you that night,” I said to the beautiful mermaid. “You were so perfect, and our time together was mind-blowing, far exceeding anything I thought was humanly possible. I thought I was unconscious from the blow to my head, and that it was all an illusion my battered brain had conjured. When the guys called, I thought that was my brain telling me the dream was over and it was time to wake up, whether I wanted to or not.” I took a breath, fighting to concentrate through the effects of the venom.

“When I realized it wasn’t a dream, that it was all real and that I had left you behind like a cold-hearted jerk, I ran into the ocean,” I continued. “The guys had to wrestle me back onto land, and I finally caved when they promised we would search for you. That’s what we were doing today, looking for you. Just like I have every day since the night I left you crying in the ocean.”

Her hot tears fell faster on my neck, a soft sob was muffled against my neck.

“Please, don’t stop drinking,” I pleaded. “Storm needs you. I need you.”

Her grip around my neck tightened, and she pressed her body against the length of me. She couldn’t speak around her fangs in my neck, so it seemed she was trying to show her feelings the only way she could.

“I want to make love to you, okay?” I asked gently.

She nodded against my neck, continuing to suck.

“One day we will do this slow. I will take my time kissing every inch of you. I cannot wait for that day.” She only hummed in response. I felt her gag against my neck, but she doggedly began swallowing again. She was full, but she was making sure she was prepared to heal Storm.

I lined her hips up with my groin, using a finger to locate those hard-to-find scales. Finding her entrance, I slid a finger inside, wanting to ensure she was ready for me. This had to be hard and fast. I couldn’t risk the venom weakening me too much, since I would likely be hauling either her or Storm back to the beach when this was over.

With my other hand I lined myself up with her hot slit and pushed myself inside. I couldn’t stop the groan that escaped at feeling her around me. As soon as I was buried to the hilt, I slid out and thrust in again. The venom in my system threatened to steal all my thoughts except the need to find release, by whatever means necessary. I fought it, not wanting to lose myself and injure her more.

I was relieved to hear her soft moans of pleasure against my neck. The sounds urged me on, each stroke faster and harder until water splashed into the air each time I rammed into her.


She was mine.

Her fangs disappeared from my neck and her back arched. She cried out my name as pleasure washed through her. I tilted her pelvis up a bit and thrust into her one final time. The new angle allowed me to hit her sensitive string of pearls with the head of my erection. Her scales exploded into light, and she screamed my name as we found our release together. Blue-green light pulsed in time with her shudders, allowing me to not only feel the after-effects of her orgasm, but also to see it. She was perfect.

“I love you, Zosime. From now until forever.”

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Her luminous eyes stared up at me. Her lips did not move, but I heard her clearly.

“And I love you, my Kye.”

She was telepathic. I starred at her in wonder. Would I ever know all the secrets inside my mysterious little soulmate? I hated that out entire encounter had taken less than two minutes, but I had a lifetime to make it up to her.

“Kye, I need you to take me to Storm. Hurry.”

No sooner had her words registered in my mind, than I heard Fynn scream my name.

“Kye! His heart stopped!”