A dark shadow passed over Tiny’s tanned face. “Fine. Come with me.”
I looked over my shoulder at Sammy.
“Just you, Red,” Tiny told me.
“Not happening,” Sammy interjected before I could comment. “Where she goes, I go.”
Tiny chuckled, scratching the graying goatee on his chin. “Maybe I should call your president.”
“Go for it.” Sammy grunted. “It’s been a while since he’s tasted blood. I’m sure he’s itching for a good fight.”
I looked between them both. “If you two are done comparing dick sizes, can we get this done and over with so I can go home?”
“Remember, Red, just because Aaron is dead and gone, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t show him the respect he deserves,” Jackie pointed out.
The two guys standing with him, shifted from foot to foot.
“Oh, just like you showed him respect? How about the many times you hit on me while he was still alive? Or when you propositioned me after I got out of the hospital. None of you came to see me. So don’t even begin to say shit to me about respect.” I had tried finding out if they knew who had killed Aaron and who had put me in the hospital, but it was club business, so I couldn’t find out anything.
Sammy only smirked.
“You need to watch your mouth, little girl,” Jackie growled between clenched teeth.
I rolled my eyes. “You’re only saying this now because I’m no longer fucking you.”
Sammy’s smirked widened.
“Maybe you should actually grow a pair and not pine after a dead guy’s wife.” Before I could say anything more, Tiny grabbed my upper arm and all but dragged me into the clubhouse with Sammy following. “You didn’t let me finish my thought.” I pulled from Tiny’s grip.
“He’s only saying that shit to get under your skin, Red.” Tiny nodded to one of the prospects. The younger guy quickly rounded up three beers and brought them to us.
“Thank you,” I muttered, taking it from him. “But since when do you care what I say?” I asked Tiny as he led us down a hall that I knew would lead to an office. Tiny was the Enforcer for this chapter and was left in charge when the president and vice-president weren’t around. Which seemed to be a lot lately.
“You need to retract those claws.” Tiny stopped at a door. “She like this with you too?”
“She’s worse.” Sammy winked, taking a long swig of his beer.
I stared at him. “If you want sex again, I suggest being on my side.”
Sammy’s smirk fell from his face.
“Women.” Tiny chuckled. “Always using the pussy card.” He pushed open the door leading to the office and stepped into it, leaving Sammy and I alone out in the hall.
Just when I went to follow Tiny, Sammy wrapped an arm around my middle. “I’d be very careful if I were you, pet.” His lips brushed along the shell of my ear, sending a shiver down the length of my body I knew he could feel.
“Or else what?” I asked, not liking this feeling of being backed into a corner. A corner that I had no idea how to get out of.
Sammy fisted my hair, turning my head to meet his dark, hungry stare. “Your mom told you to be careful. How these boys don’t play nice and shit.” He raised an eyebrow. “But she never warned you against me.”
“Should she have?” I asked, my stomach flipping at the deep timber leaving his mouth.
“Nope, she shouldn’t. But keep up the fucking attitude and I will do everything in my power to make you use your safeword. That I can promise you. You’re also going to tell me about the hospital and all of the other shit later.” He placed a hard peck on my mouth before releasing me and joining Tiny in the office.
Amber could handle herself, that much was clear. But it didn’t mean that I wouldn’t stand on guard. I would wait and let her do her thing until she said she needed my help.