Jackie frowned, sticking a smoke between his lips. “Careful, Red.” He lit it up, taking a deep inhale. “Aaron isn’t around to protect you anymore,” he said, letting the smoke out through his nose.

“He may not be but I am.” Sammy stepped up beside me.

Jackie chuckled. “And what are you going to do exactly, Sam?”

When Sam took a step toward him, I moved in front of him. “Nothing. He’s not going to do anything.” I looked up at him. “Isn’t that right?”

Sammy’s jaw clenched.

The guys behind me, laughed. That sound sent every nerve in my body on edge. I glared at them, wishing Tiny would make an appearance. But knowing that I would have to go through these guys first to actually get to him, we had to play nice.

“Guess we know who calls the shots now, don’t we?” Jackie asked from behind me.

Sammy smirked, kissed my forehead, and stepped around me.

I knew before even having to look, what Sammy was about to do. As I turned, his fist landed against Jackie’s jaw. The impact caught him off guard, forcing him back a couple of steps. He rubbed his jaw, his eyes narrowing into slits before he charged for Sam.

Sammy only chuckled and sidestepped to the right. “You know, for someone who likes to think they’re in control, you really aren’t. You’re a worthless piece of shit for the things you say about Amber and probably every other woman you’ve been with.”

Before Jackie could close in on Sammy, I rushed between them. “Stop.” I lifted my hand. “I don’t want any trouble. I just want to see Tiny. That’s it.”

Jackie glared down at me. “You’re lucky he’s here, Princess.”

“You don’t scare me.” I looked around him at the two other guys who did shit all and only just stood there. “None of you do. You are not Aaron.” I took a step back, a sense of relief washing over me as the dark shadow that belonged to Sam, loomed over me.

“Where’s your president?” Sammy asked, hooking his fingers into the ass pocket of my jeans.

“He’s around,” another deep voice said.

I peered around Jackie, finding Kellan Rose or Tiny, coming toward us. He had become bigger than the last time I saw him. He filled out a black long-sleeved shirt that was tucked into dark blue jeans, his torso wide and strong. Every part of him that wasn’t covered by clothing, was lined with tattoos, including his bald head. Minus his face, there was some form of ink on his skin.

Before any of the guys could stop me, especially Sammy, I went to walk away from them when his grip on my pocket stopped me. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Let me go.”

Sam peered over my head, looked back down at me, and winked.

That wink meant more than his words ever could. He tugged on my pocket, pulling me back against him and wrapping his other hand around my throat. Before I could shove away from him, because I didn’t want to cause a scene, his mouth landed down hard on mine. The impact made me gasp, giving Sam the only invitation he needed as he dipped his tongue into my mouth. That gentle touch pulled a moan from the back of my throat. A moan that should have been for his ears only, but I was learning quickly that he liked causing these little noises to leave me. Especially in front of a guy I used to sleep with.

Sam bit my bottom lip, swiped his tongue along the spot to sooth the pain, and lifted his head. “Okay, now you can go,” he said, releasing me altogether.

I shivered, walked away from him, and made my way toward Tiny.

“Did you really have to do that?” Tiny asked him as bodies shifted around us.

“Just stating facts, my man.” Sam pulled a pack of smokes out of his leather cut and lit one up before holding the pack out to Jackie. “Want one?”

Jackie scowled and stomped away with the other two guys following behind him.

“You still causing trouble, babe?” Tiny asked, his voice low so only I could hear him.

“It wasn’t intentional,” I murmured, staring up at the only guy I trusted in this club. And one I definitely hadn’t slept with. While Aaron spent most nights with other women, Tiny would let me cry on his shoulder, take care of me while I got drunk, or bring me to his gym and help me work it out. He never once hit on me and I often wondered why when the other guys did. They never cared that I was taken.

“It never is.” Tiny held out his arms. “Now, give me a hug before your man cuts off my face and wears it as a mask.”

I grimaced. “Well, that’s an image.” I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his hard middle. “And he’s not my man.” But I did like the sound of that though.

“Sure.” Tiny returned the embrace, curling his big body around mine. “From where I’m standing and with how he’s looking at you and how he’s looking at me for touching you, he’s definitely your man, Red.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter.” I pulled away from him. “I need to talk to you about Will.”