Jaron, Cyrus, and the guys and I had been to this chapter a few times but I had never been by myself.
I never liked that Jackie fucker. I had seen on more than one occasion how he would throw women around, just because he was twice their size.
I would have to call Jaron and warn him, if he wasn’t contacted already. I knew going in that this was a bad idea but there was no way in hell I was letting Amber go to this clubhouse by herself. I didn’t give a shit that she knew them for a long time. Add to the fact that she had slept with that Jackie fucker and a few of the other guys, she was just pussy to them. That was it. It was uncalled for, but it was the truth.
They treated her like a club whore even though that had never been true. From what I could see, she didn’t just sleep with any and every guy like a lot of them did. Also, to be fair, she had been hurting and probably wanted to forget Aaron and all the shit he had done to her.
While I stood by the closed door, Amber sat on a brown leather couch across the room from me. She placed her beer on the end table beside her and blew out slow even breaths. She was too damn far away but I would give her space. For now.
“So tell me, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?” Tiny asked, sitting on the edge of the large desk.
“Will is causing problems,” Amber told him.
“Well, I know you didn’t just drive down to tell me that when you could have called, and I also know that you’ve had problems with him before—”
“You have?” I blurted.
Both heads turned to me at the same time.
I almost laughed but really, the more I heard about this Will bastard, the more I wanted to mount his head on my wall.
There had also been a time that if a woman came with baggage of any sort, I would drop her quickly and move on. But now, whatever baggage Amber had, I found that I wanted to help her carry it.
“I haven’t seen him in a while, but he usually shows up before I come home to see my mom,” Amber explained.
Tiny scoffed. “Because he thinks Amber is going to either get information from us for him or give him information that she already knows.”
I looked at Amber then. I never realized that she was a walking target. Who the hell was protecting her?
“I am and I also have other people looking out for her and her mom as well.” Tiny scowled.
I rubbed the back of my neck, not even realizing I had spoken out loud.
Amber only stared at me. She was probably wondering the same thing I was. What the hell were we doing?
Suddenly, she winced, her face going pale before turning a light shade of green. “I...”
Spotting the garbage can beside the couch she was sitting on, I rushed to it and thrust it toward her at the same time she bent over and threw up everything that was currently in her stomach.
“You sick or eat something bad?” Tiny asked, grimacing.
“Neither. I just like throwing up for fun. It’s my new hobby,” she mumbled.
“You good?” I asked, sitting beside her on the couch and running my hand in circles along her upper back.
“Yeah. Must have been something from breakfast that’s not agreeing with me.” As soon as those words left her mouth, she threw up again, letting out a low groan. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Tiny moved in front of her and crouched. “Let it out, you’ll feel better.”
She nodded, pulling the bag from the bin and tying it off. “I think I’m good now.” She made a face, placed the bag back in the bin, and put it back on the floor.
Tiny rose to his full height and went to the door. Opening it, he stuck his head out. “Oscar, grab me a toothbrush, toothpaste and a bottle of Gatorade, will you?” he yelled.
“On it,” someone called back.
“Are you sure you’re good?” I asked Amber, my voice low enough that only she could hear.