Page 3 of Relentless Pursuit

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Kayla Quinnslowly followed Connie Mason into the bar area of the trendy Manhattan club that most New Yorkers didn’t know existed. It sat on the top floor of a business building in the financial district. Mostly businessmen frequented the place, looking for a release from their stressful lives. It was touted as a matchmaking service, but from what Kayla had heard, most of the matchmaking wasn’t intended for a long-term relationship. She had only been there one other time, when she met the owner, Blake Anders. He had granted her access to his establishment at the request of Connie, who had been a regular for a few years.

Kayla had met Connie at a party and learned that some of Connie’s friends hung out at the club. They seemed to like the results. They all dressed well, carried expensive bags, wore designer shoes, and ate in upscale restaurants on a regular basis. Some had even found a husband after they were matched. Not that Kayla was looking for that, but she did want something different from what she had experienced in college.

When Kayla heard Connie and her friends talking about the men they had met over the years, she’d become interested. At twenty-two, she’d already become jaded when it came to love. Some might say she was too young to know what a real relationship meant, and that was true, but before Kayla could fully understand what love meant, she needed something else. Something she had been denied. Sensational sex. It had to be out there. Intimacy had been mediocre in college. Maybe it was supposed to be. She’d had two serious relationships. They were both monogamous and both boring in the bedroom department. No one-night stands, no kinkiness, no satisfaction. It was time to branch out and see what was really out there.

“Just relax,” Connie said as they headed to the bar. “You’re not meeting anyone tonight.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

Blake had suggested Kayla familiarize herself with the club before he would find her a potential match. He said because she was new to both the club and the lifestyle she was seeking, it would take him a few days to match her with the right person.

“It’s just weird, you know?” Kayla said.

“I get it. I was nervous the first couple of times. Meeting the guy is the hardest. You wonder if he’ll like you. Will you like him? Are you going to be compatible? It gets less awkward every time.”

“Does everyone do this more than once?”

“No, lots of people find the one, but not everyone is looking for long-lasting. I thought you knew that was mostly the deal here, especially since you signed up for such a specific package.”

“I do,” she quickly said, not wanting to sound inexperienced. “It’s just usually a dating service is more traditional.”

“This place is definitely not traditional. The men here are looking for activities they don’t have time to find on their own. It was all in the paperwork. If you have doubts, you have to let me know now, because Blake will throw a fit if I bring in a newbie who doesn’t fully understand what’s going on in here.”

“I get it.”Mostly.“It’s not being paid for sex, right?”

“No! Who said anything about being paid?”

“I read that sometimes you could end up with a guy who wants to take care of you.”

“That happens often, but you’re getting way ahead of yourself. First, let them match you, and if the things you checked off on that list are compatible with someone else, you can go from there.”

“Okay.” Kayla slipped off her sweater and hung it on the back of the chair before sliding into her seat.

The bar area was quiet. Just a few men sitting around, drinking and talking. In the dining area, three couples were having dinner. Kayla wondered if they had been matched.

“Do you have any other questions?” Connie asked as she looked at the drink menu. “It’s really not that scary. The guys are great, and Blake and his staff are accommodating. You don’t have to leave here with anyone you don’t feel comfortable with.”

“I’ll be fine once I meet up with someone. I think it’s the anticipation.”

“Blake won’t make you wait— Oh my God.” Connie stared across the room. “He’s coming this way.”

“Who?” As Kayla turned around to see who had Connie so excited, her breath caught in her throat.Julian? Shit, no!

She didn’t know where to look or how to escape this catastrophe. As he headed straight for them, a knot formed in her stomach. There was no time for her to discreetly get up and leave. What would Jack think about her being in a place like this, looking for...Oh God!

As Julian made his way to them, Kayla replayed the last time she had seen him. The night he shattered all of her dreams and didn’t even know it. He’d stomped on her fragile, teenaged heart.

Kayla madeher way out to the terrace that overlooked the city. Her brother and his new bride were dancing, laughing, and so in love. The wedding had played out like a fairytale. The perfect June day had faded into a spectacular summer evening. The band played a soft, slow melody. She swayed to the music as she gazed out at the stars, dreaming about the day she would wear the white dress and dance with a man she couldn’t imagine being without. A man like—

“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” a deep voice asked.

A man like him.

She turned to find Julian standing by the doors. No man looked better in a tuxedo. He’d removed his jacket after dinner and loosened his tie, but that had only enhanced his appearance. The moonlight reflected off the windows behind him, beaming off his dark, thick hair.

“I wanted to get some air.” She pointed toward the sky. “It’s so beautiful out here.”