Page 4 of Relentless Pursuit

“Not as beautiful as you.” He joined her on the terrace. “You look striking today.”

“Thank you.” Her cheeks burned from his compliment.

He’d been the object of her schoolgirl crush for years. Her attraction for him grew stronger when he helped her with her college application. Now that she was eighteen, she wondered if he could finally see her as a woman and not the awkward kid sister of his best friend. She knew the answer to that. He was too old for her and so far out of her league.

“Would you like to dance?”

“What?” He was asking her to dance?

“You were moving to the music when I came out. I thought maybe you’d like to dance.” Not waiting for her answer, he took her hand and pulled her to him.

“Oh.” She giggled. “Here?”

“Why not?” He held her tight, staring into her eyes. “When I want something I do it.”

Do you want me?

“Are you ready for Princeton?”

“Yes, I’m really excited to go.” One of the reasons she had applied there was because it was his alma mater. She had wanted to impress him. “My dad told me there’s a possibility you’ll make partner soon. That’s really cool.”

“It’s still premature, but I’ve been working hard.”

“My dad says you’re someone to watch.”

“He’s always been good to me.” When he tightened his hold on her waist she shivered. “Are you cold?”

“Cold?” With each touch he ignited a flame that could only be extinguished one way. She’d never been with anyone before, but all he had to do was ask. She’d be his. Always. “No.”

“We should probably get back inside.”

“But it’s so nice out here.”

“It’s better than nice.” He tilted her chin, gently touching her as he focused on her lips. The music played in the background, but they had stopped moving. “Kayla.”

“Yes?” She closed her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her. A real kiss from a man who knew how to treat a girl. The kiss she’d dreamed about for the past few years. Her heart pounded hard when his warm breath danced along her mouth. Her insides trembled, but then her eyes flew open when he pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Good luck this fall.” He stroked the stray hairs from her face. “If you need anything, have Jack get in touch with me.”

When he released her from his hold, an emptiness took over, leaving a void that still hadn’t been filled. He’d raised her expectations and no college boy would ever compare to Julian Anders.

“Mr. Anders.”Connie pulled Kayla from her disappointing memory. “How are you?”

“I’m well.” Julian didn’t give Connie time to say anything else. When he stared at Kayla she slouched, feeling out of place in his presence. He seemed taller, more imposing than she had remembered. Maybe in her fantasies he was more attainable. “Kayla, what a pleasure to see you.”

He didn’t look very happy. But damn, he was as sexy as ever. His black, designer suit was made for him. Custom, no doubt. He always was a meticulous man who knew how to dress.

“Julian? I didn’” She hadn’t remembered his gaze being so hard, so scary. Those grayish, blue eyes were etched in her memory. She’d never seen anyone with such a distinct color. “I mean, how are you?”

“Connie, I’m going to need you to give us a few minutes alone.” He didn’t look at Connie as he offered her his hand. “Order a drink and have them put it on my tab.”

“Oh.” Connie didn’t hesitate. “Of course, Mr. Anders. That’s very kind of you.” Kayla was just as puzzled as Connie appeared to be. “I’ll just be over there.”

Kayla noticed how he hadn’t asked Connie, but she did exactly what he told her to do. Julian took a seat, but didn’t speak. He looked annoyed, almost put off, to be close to her.

“Hi.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, trying to control the embarrassment of being caught in this club by her brother’s best friend. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

“I was thinking the same thing when you walked in.” He leaned back, stretching his legs. “I had lunch with your brother last week. He didn’t mention you were in the city.”