No fucking way.
“Interested?” Blake laughed when he realized who Julian was staring at. “I have her application upstairs, but I felt she was too new for you. No experience at all as a submissive.”
She’s not a...“What is she doing here?” he gritted out through his teeth as he studied the spectacular brunette who now sat across from him. It had been several years since he’d last seen her. It was at his good friend Jack’s wedding. She was no more than eighteen at the time and ready to leave for Princeton. Could it have been four years ago already?
The way her full lips curved into the most innocent smile had him recalling the sweet, inquisitive kid who awkwardly hung around when Julian was a teenager. Jack’s little sister was all grown up now and in his club looking for... What the hell was she looking for?
“She came with Connie,” Blake informed him. “Connie asked me last week if she could introduce a friend to the scene. I know she’s younger than usual, but I told Connie as long as she watched out for her while I found a suitable match, I didn’t think it would be a problem. You know her?”
“I know her.” Julian remembered her in those tight little cheerleading uniforms she wore in high school. He was ten years her senior. He didn’t know her well, because she was younger, and when he had returned from college, she was still a kid. It wasn’t until her last year of high school that he got better acquainted with her. He’d helped her fill out the application for Princeton, his alma mater, and had provided her with a letter of recommendation. He’d done it as a favor to Jack. He’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t been attracted to her that summer before she left for college, but some lines couldn’t be crossed. “I don’t want her here.”
“What?” His cousin sounded confused. “Why?”
“Because she doesn’t know what she’s getting into.”
“Yeah, well, her application was specific. I’d say she used the internet for most of her research. That and those sexy romance novels. She has quite a few fantasies.”
“Enough,” Julian snapped. “You will not match her.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why? Has she paid you a fee? You’ll refund it.”
“No, she applied under the platinum package.”
“What?” That package was for men like Julian. Men who had more money than they knew what to do with and not enough time to find a nice, normal girl to settle down with.
In this particular package the client seeking a specific type would pay the fee, and Sapphire would match them with someone who was looking for something they both had in common. In most cases, the platinum package was intended for those candidates, the matches, who didn’t have the means to pay for such an exclusive club, but were still seeking a safe, sane, and consensual way to meet a partner. They were often younger than the person they were matched with. But the main requirement for this package was they agreed to a dominant partner.
“I don’t understand what the problem is,” Blake said. “She’s not requesting anything that anyone in her position isn’t. I did a sit-down with her and explained that everything is consensual. She’s not expected to leave with anyone she doesn’t want to and she’s not obligated to return if she doesn’t like who we match her with.”
“You’re not matching her with anyone.” Julian glared at his cousin. “Are we clear?”
“Then you can go tell her.”
“I will.” Julian stood and headed in her direction.
What the hell was a young, vital woman doing in a place like this? Men had to throw themselves at her. Couldn’t she have found anyone at Princeton? Of all the places for him to meet up with...
“Mr. Anders.” Connie looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes. “How are you?”
“I’m well.” Julian acknowledged Connie before focusing on his intended target. “Kayla, what a pleasure to see you.”Just not here, in my freak club.
“Julian? I didn’” She stammered, clearly stunned by his presence. “I mean, how are you?”
“Connie, I’m going to need you to give us a few minutes alone.” He extended his hand and helped Connie off her stool. “Order a drink and have them put it on my tab.”
“Oh,” Connie said. “Of course, Mr. Anders. That’s very kind of you.” She looked to Kayla, confusion in her expression. “I’ll just be over there.”
Kayla nodded as he sat next to her.
“Hi.” She tucked her long, silky brown hair behind her ear, releasing a crisp peppermint scent. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”
“I was thinking the same thing when you walked in.” He trailed his fingers along the bar top, resisting the urge to touch her. “I had lunch with your brother last week. He didn’t mention you were in the city.”Why would he?They seldom discussed Kayla. Occasionally, Julian would ask, but she was a fantasy he’d put out of his head the last time he had seen her. He had made the right decision then and he would stick to it now.
“I graduated in May and thought an adventure in the city would be fun.” She fidgeted with her hands. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Nor I you, Kayla.” He placed his hand over hers to stop her nervous tick, but the softness of her skin triggered a powerful reaction. One he knew he had to end. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”