Page 5 of Relentless Pursuit

“I graduated in May and thought an adventure in the city would be fun.” She had to stop fidgeting, but the dryness in her throat had her suppressing the urge to cough, and her hands began to shake. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Nor I you, Kayla.” When he placed his hand on hers, a calmness overtook her. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”


“This place isn’t for you,” he continued. “I’ll make sure Blake shreds any paperwork, and I won’t mention to Jack that you were here.”

What the hell? What did he care if she was there? It was none of his business. Yes, he was definitely much better in her dreams.

“How do you know this place isn’t for me?” She pulled her hands away from his. How dare he presume he knew anything about her. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yes,” he said in a low tone. “You are.”

“What gives you the right to tell me where I can and can’t go?”

“I’ve known you since you were a kid. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t belong here. I want you to leave.”

“And I want to stay.”

“Kayla.” A frustrated breath escaped his lips—those bitable lips. “Let’s not make a scene.”

“You haven’t seen me in four years. How do you know what I’m like as an adult?”

“Barely an adult,” he muttered.

“Screw you!” She looked around the bar, trying to locate Blake. “I have permission to be here from the owner. He told me I’m in, so why don’t you just go about your business and leave me alone?”

“One of the owners.”


“You have permission fromoneof the owners, not both, and since I’m the sole investor in this place, I have the final say.”

“YouownSapphire?” She didn’t see that one coming.

“Surprised?” His lips curled into a smug smile.


Chapter 2

This was Julian’s place? Of all the clubs to walk into, she had the find the one that was owned by the one man who had taken up residency in her head for the past few years?

“It was good seeing you, but you should leave now,” Julian said. “There’s no reason for you to be here.”

Maybe this was a sign. Some twisted way for fate to bring him into her life and her into his bed. No! She was there looking for kink and whatever else she researched to put on that stupid application. He would know once he read it. He would think she was some kind of sexual deviant.Wait.This washisplace. Maybe he was into more than missionary style. Maybe she wouldn’t need a matchmaking service after all. Perhaps they could...

“I’ll see you out.”

At the very least, she wasn’t backing down.Think fast! How can I get him to change his mind?

“I work for channel five news,” she blurted out before she could stop herself. She couldn’t let him dismiss her so easily. “If you throw me out, I promise I’ll make sure that they launch a full investigation into Sapphire.”

“We’re not doing anything illegal.” His jaw tightened, and now he really looked bothered by her.

“Maybe not on paper, but this will be a morals story. I’m certain you have some prominent citizens who frequent this place. Doctors, congressmen, judges? Hell, you own it and you’re a partner in a very prestigious law firm. What else are they going to find when they start sniffing around this place? Do you really need that kind of publicity?”

“Is everything okay?” Blake approached them. “This conversation looks a bit too intense for a Thursday evening.”