Chadka switches to my other nipple, kissing it the same way before flicking his tongue over the tip.
I cry out as if his tongue just slid into my pussy instead.
He’s smiling as he lifts his face. “You’re gorgeous, Little one. I can’t wait to lick every inch of you.”
I shudder. I can’t wait for that either. Broken arm or not, I wish he would do just that right now.
Easing off of me, Chadka very gently slides the sleeve of my dress down my injured arm. He’s so careful that tears come to my eyes as he frees my wrist.
When he glances at me, he startles. “Did I hurt you, Baby girl?”
I shake my head. I’m too choked up to speak.
He extricates my other arm from its sleeve and then eases the dress down and off my body, leaving me in nothing but a black thong.
I feel more exposed than I’ve ever felt as his gaze roams all over my body.
“Exquisite,” he murmurs in a gravelly voice. He traces the edge of my thong next, making me whimper with need as his fingers tease me along the elastic. “I’ll never understand the clothing females on your planet wear, but I will admit, these are very sexy.”
I gasp as his fingers dip under the edge.
“You won’t wear anything like this on Eleadia,” he informs me as he lowers the lace over my hips and down my legs. In seconds, I’m naked.
My brain is scrambled. I don’t know what he means. Women don’t wear thongs on his planet? Why the hell not? They’re sexy. He just said so.
His hands slide up my legs, pushing my thighs wider as he reaches my center, and then he leans over and kisses my pussy. Just a kiss. It shouldn’t be enough to make me writhe. But it does.
“Chadka…” I murmur.
“Call me Papi, Baby girl.”
He nods. “That’s what Little girls call their mates. Papi.”
I shiver. Papi sounds sort of like a parent or grandparent. But I don’t argue. I’ll ponder that word more later.
A noise behind Chadka…Papi…catches my attention, making me flinch.
“It’s just Surgient, Little one. Relax.”
I twist my neck around, looking for something to cover myself with. My dress must be on the floor. I don’t see any loose blankets.
Papi keeps one hand on my belly and turns toward the open door. “We’re in here,” he calls out.
The man who appears in the doorway, filling it entirely, is just as large and formidable as Papi. He has dark skin, eyes, and hair, but he’s just as big, and based on his smile, I’m going to assume just as kind.
“What’ve we got here?” he asks as he steps farther into the room.
“Surgient, I’d like you to meet my Little girl, Olivia. Unfortunately, she fell and broke her arm. I can easily see it’s a Colles fracture, but I didn’t want to set it without getting an X-ray before and after. Just in case.”
I squeeze my thighs together and bring my good hand up to cover my chest. Why doesn’t Papi cover me?
Surgient steps into my line of sight and smiles. “Hey there, pretty girl.” When he shifts his gaze to my arm, he winces. “Boy, you did break it, didn’t you?”
“Can I please have a blanket?” I say softly.
Chadka turns back to face me and leans over to kiss my forehead. “I’ll cover you up after we see to your arm and examine you, Baby girl. You can nap.” When he meets my gaze, he brings a hand to my cheek and kisses my lips next.