Page 9 of His Little Garnet

“That’s all we’ll need. Thank you.”

Janie pats my leg one last time and pastes on a fake smile.

John and Zack are both in the doorway.

“I don’t need anything else?” I ask Chadka. It seems so…final.

“No, Baby girl. It will all be taken care of. Don’t you worry.” He slides a hand up into my hair and presses my head against his shoulder. “Relax. I’ve got you.”

I close my eyes. I have no idea what it means for this giant man to have me, but I get the sense I’m not going to regret it.

I’m vaguely aware of getting into an elevator, and then the doors open again, and I open my eyes to find us in an apartment. We must be above the club. I remember hearing each of the Eleadian men has an apartment on one of the floors above Zoom.

Chadka carries me through the main room and into a bedroom. He eases me onto the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s wide and long and much higher off the floor than any regular human bed. It occurs to me that all the furniture we passed was gigantic. I shouldn’t be surprised. Chadka is huge.

At no point does he stop touching me. He slides one hand down to clasp my good one while he pulls a phone out of his suit pocket and brings it to his ear. His gaze comes to my broken arm as he speaks. “Surgient, can you bring a portable X-ray machine and a splint for a human arm down here?” There’s a slight pause before he smiles. “Thanks. Perfect.”

He tucks the phone back in his pocket before leaning over me and meeting my gaze. His smile is dazzling. His teeth are perfectly straight and white. I wonder if they have braces where he comes from. And his hair… So thick and brown. I want to run my fingers through it.

He lowers his face to mine and kisses me.

I shouldn’t be surprised. I just agreed to be his. No reason to pretend otherwise. Too late to play hard to get or be coy with him.

My God the man can kiss. His lips are so soft and gentle, and his tongue strokes my lips, demanding entrance immediately.

I open for him. I can’t stop myself. It’s like I’m on a runaway train that has no brakes. I’m pretty sure I would consent to anything he asked.

When he breaks the kiss, he’s smiling. “Thank you, Baby girl. I promise you’ll never regret this.”

The way he calls me Baby girl makes my skin tingle. I feel cherished as if I’m a newborn. I guess I sort of am to him. “How old are you?” I ask.

“One hundred and ten Earth years.”

I gasp. “Are you serious? You look thirty.”

He chuckles. “We age well on Eleadia. You will too.”

“Really?” Intriguing.

“Yep.” His hands slide to my shoulders and then around to the clasp at the back of my neck, the only thing holding this dress up. “I’m going to take your dress off, Little one. We need to get that sleeve off your arm.”

I gasp and bring my good hand to my chest to hold the shimmery silver material against me. I’m not usually an overly modest person, but I’ve never been naked with a man I just met less than half an hour ago.

Chadka chuckles and bends over to kiss my fingers at my chest. “I’m going to examine every inch of you, Baby girl. I need to be sure you’re in good health before we board the transport vessel.”

“Now?” The question is silly. Of course, now. “I mean, when exactly will we leave here?”

“If I get your arm stabilized and nothing else needs immediate medical attention, we can leave in twelve hours.”

I gasp. That’s so…soon. I shudder as Chadka lifts my hand out of the way and draws my dress down from my chest, exposing my breasts to his gaze.

I’m hardly aware of my broken arm. The pain is distant as if I broke it weeks ago. What I’m far more aware of is Chadka’s gaze on my chest and the reverent way he’s soaking me in.

With my broken arm lying limp on one side of me, he clasps my other hand and presses it into the mattress at my left side as he bends forward and kisses one of my nipples.

I moan and arch my chest toward him. Holy shit. I’ve never been this horny even after an hour of foreplay. Not with any man. Hell, not even by my own hand or a battery-operated boyfriend.

He warned me the connection would be intense. That’s an understatement. Wetness fills my panties as I squeeze my thighs together. The need for him to touch my pussy is strong. I swear I’m already close to orgasm.