Page 11 of His Little Garnet

His kiss calms me, but that fact infuriates me. “Papi…” I protest. It’s like he casts a spell over me with his lips, I think again. It’s so weird.

“Did you check her temperature yet?” Surgient asks.

“No. I’ve been distracted,” he jokes.

Heat rises up my cheeks.

“Would you like me to examine her myself?” Surgient asks. He turns his attention to me. “As the starship’s main doctor, normally I examine every Little girl before transportation, but in your case, since your Papi is a doctor himself…”

“How about you assist,” Papi suggests. “I’m not very impartial this evening.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I’m trembling as these two men discuss me while I lie here butt naked and slightly aroused.

“Let’s see to her arm first,” Surgient suggests. He has a large case with him, and he sets it on the bed next to me to open it.

I can’t see inside, but I’m surprised when he pulls out something that looks like a wand they use at the airport to scan people for weapons. I’ve never seen anything like it in the hospital. “What’s that?”

“It’s a body scanner,” Surgient informs me as he turns it on.

“We don’t have those here,” I tell him unnecessarily.

“We have more advanced medical technology on Eleadia,” Papi says as he lifts my good arm off my chest and pulls it out away from my body. He reaches for my broken arm next and very carefully moves it out several inches too before parting my legs. “Hold still in this position for me while Surgient scans you.”

I hold my breath as the darker man holds the wand over my feet and slowly guides it up my body. I can’t feel a thing, but it’s strange. Finally, he’s done. “Normally, I take the scan back to the starship to read it, but I’m going to do so right here so we can check that broken bone.”

He sets up a small monitor next to me and both men lean over to stare at it. I wish I could see, but I don’t want to bring any more attention to myself than necessary.

Papi keeps one hand on my thigh and glances at me after a minute. “You were right. Easy break. I’m going to numb your arm and reset it. You won’t feel a thing. Then we’ll get a splint on it. It will heal long before we get home.”

I suck in a breath. “How long does it take to get to Eleadia?”

“Six Earth months, but you’ll be in stasis all that time. I’ll put you to sleep, and when you wake up, it will seem like no time has passed.”

“Will you be in stasis too?”

He shakes his head. “Nope. My body can handle the trip better than yours, Little one.” He bends down to kiss me yet again.

I get dizzy once again too. This man scrambles my brain.

“I’ll be taking care of you during the trip.”

I stare into his gorgeous green eyes. I don’t ask what he means. I’ll ask later.

Papi turns his attention to my arm, leaning over to a spot several inches above the break. He holds my elbow to steady my appendage, kisses my forearm, and licks that spot.

I get the impression the lick is cleansing me like humans would use an alcohol swab. A second later, something pierces my skin, and I flinch.

“Hold still, Little one,” Surgient encourages as he sets a hand on my forehead.

Papi pricks me again, and I twist my head to watch him. I can’t see what he’s using to pierce my arm. It’s the same thing he did to my fingertips before, but this time, it’s deeper.

My hand goes completely numb as he continues to prick me a few more times. When he lifts his head, he grins. “Numb?”

I nod, dumbfounded. “How do you do that?”

He winks. “Magic.”