“We are all going to go after them. There is no way that we are going to sit back and let them continue their work somewhere else,” Tor confides in me as he looks down at the woman that is starting to awaken.

“Does she know you?” I ask, as most of us at the club haven’t met Haldor’s sister yet.

“Yeah, I’ve seen her twice before.”

“We are going to have to go to Zorba’s other factories if this is what they are doing,” I state as I look out to see two of the Johannesburg chapter brothers carrying two unconscious enhanced fuckers. All the men that we have managed to capture today will be questioned here, and then Draco will decide their fate. The mated men will be the first ones to fly out with the women that are stable enough to fly. The others will stay behind to secure the women that aren’t yet ready to leave and to try to find the doctors that have been playing God with other human beings’ lives.

“To… Tor?”

The whispered word has my eyes turning back to Tor and Haldor’s sister.

“Yes, Darling, you’re safe now.” I have never heard that gentle tone in Tor’s voice before. It is clear that he’s livid about what has been going on here, but he is hiding it from this woman.


“He’s fine. He will come to see you once you’re settled. Now try to rest.”

“Tor… I’m no… not going t… to make it.”

Her broken words have my heart wrenching over the pain I hear in her voice.

“Nonsense, darling. We’re not going to let anything happen to you,” Tor says gently as she shakes her head tiredly.

“Tell Haldor… I love him.”

“Rest, Darling, you will tell him yourself soon.”

Her breathing is staggered, her heart rate slowing.

“Bion!” I call when I see him a couple of feet away. He turns at abruptly and then starts making his way towards us. When he is a couple of feet away, I incline my head towards Haldor’s sister. I don’t have to say anything, because Bion climbs into the truck and starts to examine the woman.

“Fuck, place her flat,” Bion orders as he moves back to make space for the woman. As soon as Tor has her stretched out, Bion is over her. “Come on, sweetheart, don’t give up now,” he says in a gentle voice as he places his hand over her heart.

Tal climbs into the truck, closing the doors behind himself. “We are moving,” he states.

“Are all the buildings clear?” Tor asks as Bion continues to examine the woman.

I turn my head towards Tal, giving Bion and Haldor’s sister more privacy.

“No. The last and biggest building at the end hasn’t been cleared, but Draco pulled most of us back because bombs have been triggered. We need to move because the mad motherfucker is going to blow the fucking place down,” Tal updates.

“Shit.” Tor stands as he moves towards the doors to open them again just as the truck starts moving.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m not going to leave anyone behind.” And with those words he is jumping out of the truck, and I see he starts running towards the building at the end, which Tal reported on still not being cleared.

“Shit. Shit. Shit,” I grunt as I stand. Turning, I gently place Siena flat on the ground. “Take care of my woman,” I snap to Tal before I am jumping out of the truck, too. They are going to need water if the fucking place explodes, and I am going to make sure that we get as many people out of there as possible.

As I run towards the building, I see Draco Standing a couple of feet away, his arms are stretched out beside him as he opens his hands facing the building. Tor is nowhere to be seen, but Cassius, also a water bender from our Mother Chapter, and Einar are standing before the building with their hands outstretched as they bend all the water they can find in the building. If this fucking place explodes before we can clear it, at least it will be soaked inside and won’t burn as intended.

Just then, Tor is rushing out with a woman in his arms, Burkhart from our Mother Chapter is right behind him with another. “There are five more inside,” Burkhart calls out, which has me ignoring the danger as I run inside. I follow the sounds that are coming from the end of the second corridor. The ground is already all wet, the sprinkler system is spraying everything, and I can hear the pipes under the ground groaning at the rush of water.

Entering the room at the end of the corridor where I heard the screams, I see women huddling together. Why the hell aren’t they running out if the door is open? Hurrying towards them, I realize that they are all tied down with chains.

Bending, I grab a chain and yank. The sound of plaster and brick snapping is loud in the room, but the main chain is out of the wall. Pulling the main chain free from the individual ones, I throw it into a corner. These women seem to be unharmed, except for their dirty clothes. “I need you to run,” I roar just as an explosion rocks the building.

Too late.