I can feel the intensity of the explosion growing as it drives towards us. Closing my eyes, I stretch out my hands and envision water lifting all around us, filling this room, encasing us in a water bubble. I can feel the strength of the water rushing towards us. Because of the other water benders and the water that is already in the building, the pressure and amount of water is substantial and quickly surrounds us. I hear the women screaming, but I don’t have time to appease them as I try to protect us as best as I can before we are all burnt to cinders.

Opening my eyes, I see the wall of fire surrounding us. The only thing holding it back is the water bubble we are in. Looking over my shoulder, I stare at the women that are looking around at each other, horrified. “Huddle together and follow me, stay close together.”

They start to complain but I don’t pay them any heed, as I need my full concentration on getting us all out of here alive. Envisioning the bubble widening into the corridor from which I came from, I start making my way back. It’s a slow trek because the ground is already scorched and treacherous, but we need to hurry up before the building starts to give way and traps us in here.

The air is also starting to become a problem as the air inside the bubble is starting to diminish. The fire has sucked in all the oxygen, which becomes a problem for us. Visibility is also becoming a problem as I can’t tell anymore where I’m going with the blazes. We make it another couple of feet before one of the women trips and we have to stop so that she can be helped up.

“I can’t breathe,” one gasps.

“We are nearly there,” I lie, because I have no idea where the fuck we are. I make it another couple of feet before a torrent of water suddenly starts to flood the corridor, lifting us from the ground. There is only one person that would be able to move so much water at once. Draco must have located where we were and is now quenching the fire. Our path is practically opening up to a bed of wet, scorched tiles. As we see the door, Tor and Burkhart rush in to collect the women.

Turning, I start ushering them towards them. “Come on,” I call to the last woman that seems to be afraid to leave. “It’s okay, everything is going to be fine now.” She slowly makes her way towards me just as I hear a loud crack overhead. I look up just as something hard hits me on the head, and then darkness is pulling me down into its grips.