“I’m just helping her,” I mutter, knowing that it’s not true.

“Oh, if that is the case then I will sit here holding her while you go and see if there are any more women to bring out.”

I growl instinctively, which has him grinning. The fucker was purposely baiting me, knowing that there is no way that I am going to pass my injured mate into anyone’s arms.

“Piss off,” I snap, just as I feel the ground shake.

Frowning, we both look at each other and then towards the building in the far corner where we felt the vibrations coming from.

“Someone is losing their shit. Hope it’s not Draco,” Tal says when there is another tremor.

“That’s not strong enough to be Draco’s,” I reply.

Draco is the only Elemental we know that can bend all the elements, he is also the oldest of us, and the strongest. Before Draco found his mate, we all worried that one day he would turn and we would all have a hell of a time stopping him, but fortunately he hung in there, which professes to his inner strength.

The other truck pulls away, as Wulf, the Mother Chapter’s VP, walks out the door of the closest building. “Clear,” he calls.

We were hoping all to leave today, but there is no way that we can fly all these women out of Qatar today. Therefore, there will be some of us that will have to stay behind until they are all in safety. Also, I don’t think that all the women will be able to fly just yet. Looking down at my woman I tense. Her complexion is pale—paler than she was when I first brought her to the truck.

Leaning closer, I listen to her breathing—her heartbeat. The women are distracted, talking to each other about what they have just found out and not paying me any attention.

“I’m sorry Siena, I have to do this,” I whisper against her ear as I pull out a blade that I have inside my boot. I slash my upper arm until there is blood dripping down it. Placing my arm over her mouth, I let the blood slide between her lips and into her mouth.

My wound is already closing and the blood stopping, but there was enough to start the transformation. Pulling her gently higher into my arms, I lower my head against her neck, her hair concealing my actions as I bite down on her shoulder. If bonding with Siena will save her life, then I will willingly do it. I will not have my mate suffer because of me.

The taste of her blood is as sweet as nectar, her taste an aphrodisiac that rushes through my bloodstream like an injection of passion. My body reacts with a burst of lust that leaves me stunned at its strength. I knew that mates had a unique bond that enhances their sexual encounters like nothing else can, but I never knew it was this strong.

Licking my lips, I raise my head to look down at my unconscious mate. I feel like a perv holding her injured body in my arms while my body fights its restraints, wanting to take her fully. My jeans feel too tight, as my cock twitches with exhilaration at finding its mate. My head might be telling me that I shouldn’t be thinking of Siena like this, that I shouldn’t want to bed her, but my body is thinking something else altogether.

“Clear,” I hear Asgar call from one of the other buildings as Tor walks past him with a woman in his arms towards the truck. Everything about him exudes anger. It is clear that he is holding onto his fury by the skin of his teeth. Reaching the truck, he steps up and then slides down before me with the woman still in his arms.

“She okay?” I ask because she doesn’t seem to be conscious. When my eyes rise to Tor’s I am surprised to see the deep turmoil in his.

“She’s alive.” His eyes lower to Siena and then back up to mine. “She the one?”


“Is she okay?” he asks as he looks at Siena again.

“They did something to her back. Bion gave her something for the pain and sleep. They make fucking pain killers, meanwhile they weren’t giving them any after cutting them up.” The anger in my voice is clear, but I whisper my words because I don’t want the other women to hear our conversation.

“She’s Haldor’s sister.”

I tense as my eyes snap down to the woman in Tor’s arms.

“We had to knock him the fuck out when he saw her.”

Now I realize that the tremors we felt earlier were from Haldor. Fuck, I knew he had a sister that was twenty something years old. We used to make fun of him when she was born, saying that she could call him grandpops instead of brother.

Haldor is young compared to most of us, with only two hundred and thirty years under his belt, but to have a sibling that is so much younger doesn’t always happen. I remember him saying something about her studying to become a lawyer, and I know that even though he doesn’t see her much, he has a soft spot for his little sister.

Seeing her here like this must have messed with his mind. “Did he know she was missing?”

“No, so it was more of a shock when he’s the one that fucking found her,” Tor states angrily. “I would love to do to them what they have been doing to these women.”

Haldor doesn’t talk much and keeps his thoughts to himself. He’s a deadly motherfucker and a sniper that never misses his target. I know that if he finds the fuckers that did this to his sister, he will go after them and to hell with everything else.

“It’s going to be hard to stop him from going after them.”