
I was woundup all day, so I wasn’t at all surprised when I found myself headed to Amethyst’s house. I could have checked the cameras, but I needed more than that.

Maybe for myself, but I was worried about her.

I hadn’t liked the way she had looked today.

Not that I should care.

In fact, her nervousness, her tiredness, her general wariness, all of them should have been good signs.

At the very least, they meant that she was fully aware of her predicament, which made it less likely she would do something foolish.

And on the one hand, I recognized the good in that.

But on the other, I hated it.

I missed her easy, carefree nature, even though I suspected some of that was false.

Still, her genuine smile, her genuine laugh, the way I knew she always looked forward to talking to me—or the Josh Kelley that I represented to her—were gone.

And I wanted them back.

And more, though I wouldn’t admit it to myself, I wanted to see her.

Simple, but also complicated, and something I certainly didn’t want to consider any more deeply.

So I didn’t.

Just told myself I was checking in on a loose end and that anything other than that was simply gravy.

I rang her video doorbell and was halfway tempted to disable it, if only to not have to deal with it again.

But I didn’t, and instead entered her house when she pulled the door open without preamble.

I really liked her house and thought it was a perfect representation of who Amethyst was.

And the tense, pensive woman standing behind me definitely wasn’t her.

“You can come in, Amethyst,” I said when she lingered near the front door, her hand still on the knob.

“What makes you think I’m not standing here so I can see you out as quickly as possible?”

I smiled but didn’t answer and made it a point to move deeper into the house.

I saw her computer, a couple dozen pages printed out on the coffee table.

I went and sat down but didn’t ask her about the computer.

Instead, I said, “So what’s with you and Keenan?”

“You asked me that earlier today,” she said.

“And you didn’t answer,” I responded.

“He’s my ex,” she finally responded on a deep sigh.