He lifted one corner of his mouth, though I wouldn’t exactly call the expression a smile.

“I’ll see you later, Amethyst,” he whispered.

And just like that, the mere whisper of my name from his lips lifted my spirits and made me forget about Keenan, forget about everything but Davit.

And then he was gone, and I was relieved.

And a little sad.

I breathed out deep.

I honestly didn’t know how the fuck I felt, which left me in a terrible predicament.

One that I couldn’t fix now.

I took one more sip of coffee and then left my office.

As I walked to Keenan’s office, I contemplated my next move.

It was clear that I was way out of my league, that nothing in my life had prepared me for the circumstances I now found myself in.

As I walked, I straightened my spine and pulled my shoulders back.

I was nobody’s victim, and Davit Petrosyan would not get the best of me.