“It ended poorly?” I asked, surprised I hadn’t known that. Apparently, I hadn’t dug deep enough into Amethyst’s past.

I would correct that.

“It ended,” she said, her voice strangely noncommittal and proof that there was more to that story.

“And you’re okay with him working for your father?” I asked.

“Would it matter if I wasn’t? And besides, my feelings aren’t what’s important here. It’s about the business and nothing else. Keenan is a great dealmaker.”

It could have sounded like a compliment, but from her expression, the tone in her voice, I knew that it wasn’t.

“Sounds like you’re pretty bitter,” I said, fishing for a reaction.

I’d struck gold.

Her eyes flashed with anger. “Fuck you. Like I give a shit about your opinion.”

I laughed, enjoying this feisty side of her. “Touché. We can change the subject since Keenan bothers you so much.”

I laughed again when she growled low in her throat and thinned her lips. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve found out about me?”

“What makes you think I’ve been looking for anything about you?” she countered.

“I know you, and even without that ream of paper sitting on your coffee table, I know you wouldn’t be able to resist looking me up.”

“So why give me your name? Why not just…you know,” she said.

“No, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” I said.

She gave a little laugh-snort. “Why not just off me? Isn’t what you bratva guys do?”

“I’m not a part of that particular organization, but I guess I take your point.”

“So, what’s the answer?” she asked.

She came over to sit on the other end of the couch, and for the first time since before the docks, I saw a glimpse of her, the Amethyst that I had come to know, and had the added bonus of seeing some of the woman that I suspected was underneath.

“I like your coffee,” I said.

To my surprise, she laughed. “Thanks, I guess. But that’s not the real answer.”

She gave me a smile, an authentic one, but it was gone just as quickly as it came.

“Why are you asking me this?” I asked.

“Because people like you don’t leave loose ends.”

“And are you a loose end, Amethyst?” I asked.

“I fucking hope not,” she responded.

I found myself laughing, and though she didn’t laugh, she did smile.

“Well, contrary to what you might believe, I don’t enjoy harming people. Especially ones who don’t deserve it,” I said a moment later.

“You think I don’t deserve it?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused.

“Well, that stunt was ridiculous. Fucking imbecilic.” I frowned at the thought of how stupid she had been.