Page 72 of Born in Depravity

Mikhail caught me before I was even able to cross the threshold into the room, and he lifted me up in his arms. My arms moved around his shoulders before I thought better of it, but by the time I realized I probably shouldn’t touch him, he’d already gotten to the bed.

He laid me on the bed and stood at the edge, looking down at me.

I swallowed.

“You wanted to spend the day in bed,kotyonok?”

My eyes widened when I caught onto his meaning, and I shook my head furiously. I tried to move to the other side, but he grabbed my legs and pulled me back. I tried to kick him, but it was futile.

He let out a small sigh, as if I was nothing more than an errant child acting up, and held me still, his big hands pressed down on my middle.

I didn’t know where my bravery came from when I scowled up at him.

He seemed more amused than anything else. “How apt. I always thoughtkotyonokfitted you well. Look at you. Like a little kitten showing off her claws for the first time.”

I frowned at him.

Was that whatkotyonokmeant? Kitten?

The nickname was almost … affectionate.

I didn’t have time to think more about it before he pulled the towel away from me and flung it on the floor.

I stilled, my breathing coming out hard as I watched him open the bedside drawer and pull out two bottles of some sort. He read the labels before looking back at me, leaning down until his face was mere inches from mine.

My hands fisted the sheets beneath me.

“Jasmine or lavender?”

I frowned. What?

Pulling back a little, he held out one of the bottles to me.

Jasmine-scented lotion.

Then he held out the other. Lavender.

What game was he playing at?

Slowly, I pointed to the jasmine bottle.

He put the lavender bottle back in the drawer and I couldn’t help the way my eyes widened when he squirted some of the jasmine lotion in his palm and rubbed his hands together. Then he worked some onto my foot.

I watched him.

Was he really doing this?


If he wanted to confuse me … well, he succeeded.

I was thoroughly confused.

He moved on to my other foot. I wiggled a little when he got to a particularly ticklish spot, and he looked over at me.

His eyes never strayed as he moved his hands up my legs, and I could feel the familiar ache between my legs from the feel of his hands on me.

I hoped he wouldn’t notice.