Page 71 of Born in Depravity

He turned me around unexpectedly, and I didn’t close my eyes.

My eyes clashed to the bare skin on his chest, to the few dark blond chest hairs the same shade as his hair that he had there, before I brought them up and met his eyes.

He didn’t say anything. His expression didn’t change as he worked the washcloth over my body, cleaning me. I bit my lip when I felt the soft fabric around my nipple.

Mikhail’s gaze was intent as he worked.

I didn’t move my eyes down.

I didn’t need to see what he was doing, or what he looked like while he was doing it.

I sucked in a sharp breath when he got to my navel. Then between my legs. I knew better than to fight him, and surprisingly, there wasn’t anything sexual about it.

Even the way he was inspecting the skin there wasn’t sexual. It almost felt clinical.

I didn’t know why I felt a small weight in my tummy from that.

Then Mikhail, who had at least several inches on me and was possibly as wide as I was tall, knelt in front of me and cleaned my legs.

I could only stare at him with wide eyes.

He looked up at me. “This would have been easier had you picked a bath,kotyonok.”

I didn’t answer him. Not like he was expecting an answer, anyway. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his broad shoulders before picking up one leg and cleaning between my toes.

He was surprisingly thorough and when he finished, he placed my foot down. I closed my eyes. I wasn’t fooled. Just because he was kneeling in front of me didn’t mean there wasn’t a power imbalance between us, with all the power strongly in his favor. I was a mere woman. Being a woman was bad enough in most cases, but in this case, I was as helpless as a—

The first swipe of his tongue on my sex had me opening my eyes. I moved back, but the glass shower stall stopped me. I could only look at him with wide eyes.

He grabbed my hips and held me still as he lapped his tongue on my clit, playing with me while the hot, steamy water from the shower rained down his big body.

My hands clenched to fists at my side as he continued the assault with his tongue.

I bit my lip to keep from making any noise.

He groaned. “Fuck, baby girl. You have such a delectable little pussy and I can’t get over the taste of you.”

He took more swipes with his tongue, making me lose my breath.

I let out a broken breath of air. My mouth opened, but no sound came out.

He stopped and stood to his full height so suddenly, I was almost dizzy. I closed my eyes, turning my back on him once more.

He placed a small affectionate kiss on my shoulder before moving back to the water.

I listened while he cleaned himself, then turned off the water.

A cool breeze filled the space between us. I had never known it to be anything but hot in Arizona, but I was cold now.

My teeth chattered, and Mikhail hurried us out.

He wrapped a big fluffy white towel around my body before grabbing one for himself, wrapping it around his trim waist.

I should not be staring at him so shamelessly.

I told myself to look away. Yet I couldn’t.

He seemed pleased with the way I was looking at him, and I blushed a little, turning away.