Hard not to, though, when the back of his hand brushed up against my sex.
He let out a small hiss of air, his eyes darkening.
“Looks like the skin is healing nicely,” he told me, running his fingers over the smooth skin. I wrapped my hand around his wrist without thinking, closing my legs.
We looked at each other for a moment.
Gently, he uncurled my fingers and placed my hands back at my sides. He continued to massage the lotion onto my body. To my other leg and up my navel.
I sucked in a sharp breath when he got to my breasts, his hands moving over the globes before he twisted my nipples a bit with his fingers.
I rubbed my legs together from the sensation as he glided his hands up, one hand wrapped around my neck while the other curved around my shoulder, cupping it fully in his palm.
How easy he could break me.
He could kill me right now, and no one was around to stop him.
I held my breath and looked into his eyes. He tightened his grip.
My breath was coming out in harsh pants and I was afraid to make a sudden move, afraid he might tighten his grip and kill me.
He moved away from me without another word.
With his back to me, he removed the towel wrapped around his waist and let it fall to the floor.
I let out a small gasp when I caught sight of his backside briefly before closing my eyes and turning away. I could hear a small chuckle coming from the man. I didn’t look at him again.
There was some shuffling noise coming from the walk-in closet, then I heard the room door open and close. I didn’t know why I felt bereft that he didn’t even tell me he was leaving.
I hated the feeling.
I decided my feeling had nothing to do with him leaving without telling me, and everything to do with the fact that I would be spending the next however many hours it would be by myself in this room.
I didn’t like it.
I didn’t like the isolation, and at least with Mikhail here, even if he didn’t talk as much and I didn’t talk at all, there was still someone in the room.
I wasn’t in a rush to put my clothes back on. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. There was a ceiling fan hanging there, though I never turned it on. I hadn’t really explored the room.
I wasn’t really all that excited to explore my new cage, but perhaps I should look in that stupid drawer on the bedside table and throw out anything that looked suspicious.
I was still lying on the bed when the lock clicked.
My heart raced, but before I could pull the blanket over my body, Mikhail walked back in with something in his hands.
He was fully dressed now.
He didn’t look like the man I woke up in bed with this morning. Now, he looked like the Russian devil I had familiarized myself with.
I sat up, trying to curl into myself and hide my nakedness.
His dark blue eyes took me in. “Don’t hide on my account,kotyonok. I think you look rather … ravishing.”
As if that was supposed to make me feel better.
He walked closer to me and deposited the items from his hand on the bed. I looked at them with wary eyes.
“Presents,” he said.