Walking fast, but silently, I head down the west hall. Evie’s door is second on the right.
It looks just like it did the last time I was here. Either she’s very neat, or she didn’t bring a lot of shit with her.
Fine by me. It’ll make uncovering her secrets that much easier.
I start at the nightstand. Then I move over to the study desk. Her closet. The dresser.
Christ, this girl hasnopersonal effects whatsoever. What’s up with that? It’s like she got shipped out here with a change of clothes.
I hold up a pair of red panties. There’s a touch of lace around the edges, but it’s not exactly lingerie. And it doesn’t seem to have a matching bra.
Unless she’s wearing it.
The thought sends a surge of blood to my dick. I put the underwear back where I found it and go to open the bottom drawer. I see the toes of a pair of tennis shoes before the drumming of fingers against wood interrupts me.
“Lose something, Dalton?” Kat asks.
I straighten, closing the drawer with my foot. There’s no way I can lie myself out of this. Kat Oakes is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them.
“You’re not curious about Larsen?” I ask, turning and leaning my hip against the dresser. “The same day she arrives here, she becomes your BFF. Next thing, she’s living down the hall fromus?”
Kat’s face doesn’t change. It’s one of the few times I’ve seen her without makeup. She looks surprisingly mature without her luminous eye shadow and heavy eyeliner. “I’m not in the mood for mind games. So, just tell me what the fuck you’ve got against Evie.”
“I smell a rat.”
“As in she’s planning to axe murder us all in our sleep?” She tilts her head to the side. I’m not sure if it’s the lack of makeup or the dark smudges under her eyes, but she looks paler than normal. It seems the weekend’s festivities wore her out.
Kat points a finger at me. “Evie’s a nice girl. Now, get the fuckoutof here. And if I see you lurking around here again, that rat you’re smelling will beme.”
My hand clenches again, that small key reminding me why I’m here. I could bulldoze Kat without breaking a sweat, but I know she’d kick up a fuss. People would start asking questions. And Evie might just tell them about what happened in this room.
While something’s telling me Evie’s worth it, I have fuck-all to back it up with, except the feeling in my gut.
The last time I listened to my intuition, I almost got arrested.
No. This ends here.
“Fuck it,” I mutter, making a beeline for the door. Kat stands her ground, forcing me to push past her to get out.
“Forget about Evie,” Kat calls after me. “She’s too good for you.”
My mouth pulls into a sneer that lasts all the way back to my room. I nearly slam my door, but that would give Oakes the satisfaction of knowing that she’d gotten under my skin. I toss Evie’s key into my nightstand drawer and go to my window, staring out into the forest bordering the Walsh House, a war raging within me.
In the end, reason always wins.
Kat is right. Evieistoo good for me. A sweet little lamb like her doesn’t deserve to be teased with these sharp teeth.
I know what’s best for me—and that’s pretending Evie doesn’t exist.
If I keep my distance, Larsen will simply become another damned memory.