Page 31 of Brutal Royal



I pace my room like a tiger at the zoo. There’s a tingle in my right hand that refuses to go away, a constant reminder of what just happened down the hall. The more I try to forget, the deeper the memory is imprinted on my mind. How she looked, how she sounded, what it felt like.

My balls are aching, but as a penance, I refuse to take a cold shower to relieve the pressure.

I brought this on myself. I should never have gone to Evie’s room, but I was too weak to stop myself. Whatever discomfort I’m experiencing, it’s the price I pay for being so damned stubborn, so damnedweak.

What did you expect would happen? Did you honestly believe you’d be able to walk out of there without putting her in her place?

She could have been the meekest, most subservient girl on the planet, and I’d have found a reason to punish her.

I’ve been wanting to lay my hands on her ever since I saw her.

My lack of willpower is astonishing. I thought I’d become better at keeping my dark urges at bay, but meeting Evie opened the floodgates. Now I’ve been reduced to a starving wolf circling its prey.

But whythisgirl?

My hand clenches, the edges of the key she’d been wearing around her neck biting into my palm. I don’t care that she didn’t buy my story. I don’t want to hand over this trinket until I’ve figured out what it unlocks, because I’m sure that mystery is the reason I can’t get her out of my mind. This tiny—

“Hey, man, you coming to the jump-off game?”

I turn to Sterling where he’s leaning on his elbow against my doorframe. It’s the perfect opportunity for me to get the fuck out of here, clear my head, figure out how the hell I’m going to live with Evie just down the hall from me.

“Everyone’s going?”

Sterling nods. “Except the girls. They’re chilling downstairs.”

I wave him off. “I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

“Sure? We’re taking all the golf carts.”

“A walk never killed anyone.”

“Okay, man.” Sterling’s permanent half-smile brightens a little. “That new chick’s cute, huh? The one with the white hair?”

I shrug. “I guess.”

“Seems like she’s single…”

“Thinking of asking her out?” I clench my hand tighter around the key.

Sterling’s smile turns into a grin. “Maybe.”

“I wouldn’t.” I shrug again, drag my fingers through my hair. “She looks psycho.”

My friend laughs. “And what, you’re the only one allowed to date freaks?” He pushes away from the door. “See you at the game.”

He leaves without waiting for my response.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with me?

I want Evie like I want a fucking fork in the eye. But it’s unacceptable for Sterling to hook up with her? I need to get my shit sorted out.

And this is the perfect time. If all the girls are downstairs and the guys on their way to the university’s football field…

I peer down the stairs, listening intently. Whatever movie the girls are watching sounds violent—a woman keeps screaming and begging for someone to help her. Ada must have put that on; Liam says she’s a horror film junkie. It’s probably the only thing I’ve ever heard him mention that he actuallylikesabout his fiancée.