Page 33 of Brutal Royal



A toilet flushes nearby. I force open bleary eyes, blinking around in confusion at the gloomy space I’m in. When I tip my head back and see the thick maroon drapes hanging over the window, my mind finally turns over and starts revving.

Through the closed Jack and Jill bathroom door, I hear drawers opening, a closet slamming, bottles clinking.

And Kat’s voice, muttering something unintelligible.

I yawn, stretching against the cool sheets before my aching bladder forces me out of bed. Kat’s bathroom door is standing open, and when I go over to close it, she turns to look at me like a badger caught in the act of scavenging.

“Morning,” I mumble sleepily, closing the door so I can pee.

“Have you seen them?” Kat barks at me.

I’m still half-asleep, so the urgency in her voice doesn’t seem as important as my sloshing bladder. “Hang on!” I call back. “Have to pee.”

Kat either doesn’t hear, or doesn’t care. She throws open the bathroom door, ignoring my indignant squawk. “My pills. Wherearethey?”

Her blue hair is disheveled, her face pinched. The tank top she’s wearing looks like it belongs to a man, hanging way below her armpits. I never realized how scrawny she was, but with her ribs in plain sight, I’m suddenly worried if she eats enough.

“Your pills?” I flush the toilet, pushing past her when she steps inside to interrogate me so I can reach the basin.

“Yeah, Evie, my pills. They’re gone. Did you take them?”

“What the fuck?” I frown at her in the mirror. “Are you okay?”

“Do Ilookokay?” There’s a fierceness in her eyes I haven’t seen before. It’s disturbing… and for a moment I’m not sure if she’s going to attack me or start throwing things. Possibly both.

I turn to her, wiping my hands on the hem of the massive sleeping shirt I wore to bed last night. “Hey, back up. If you’ve lost something, I’ll help you look for it, okay?”

Kat turns her head, eyeballing me suspiciously. “You didn’t take them?”

“Why the fuck would I take your pills?”

“Because you ran out?”

My mind scrambles, and then I remember telling Kat about the medicine in my backpack. “No, Kat, I’ve still got mine.”

The light in her green eyes changes. Suddenly, she’s smiling, but on the spectrum of pleasant to creepy, the needle’s buried way past Joker levels.

“The good stuff?” she asks.


“Where?” She rushes into my room and immediately starts going through my things.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“Where, Evie?Where?”

“God, Kat, just”—I push her away from my dresser—“just wait.” I watch her from the corner of my eye as I head over to my nightstand drawer and take out my Xanax. “Here.”

She snatches it from me, cradling the orange prescription bottle to her chest as she squints to read the label. Then she throws back her head and lets out a groan. “Pain meds, Evie. I needpainmeds.”

“I don’t have any.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” she mutters, hurtling back into her room through our shared bathroom. She slams the door behind her so loudly my entire body jerks.