Brando turns to Vera. “I need you to stay with me too, Kitten. Please don’t fight me on it. We don’t know what Scotty is capable of and I need to keep you safe.”

Her face hardens at first, but softens as he continues. “Sup roomie,” Skye says and Vera smirks before turning back to Brando. She nods. “Ok.” He relaxes and kisses her temple.

I turn to Jordy. He nods and heads out the door to collect supplies and pick up Mark. Skye follows him.

I head down the hall and find Liv folding clothes and tossing them into her suitcase. I take her wrist and pull her to face me.

“Thank you for trusting me.”

She’s fixed her hair and cleaned her face and is now wearing comfy leggings and a blue long sleeve cotton shirt. Her eyes are still puffy and red. I know her head must hurt like hell, but she gives me a gorgeous smile. She steps into me, and I wrap her up in a tight hug.

“I love you so much,” she says into my chest.

“I love you too.” Her touch eases the building tension in my gut.

A few hours later, Jordy and Skye return with Mark. He’s banged up but should recover within a few days. I shake my head and hug him as he walks in. “You’re a beast.” He grins and I step aside so he can hug Liv.

We head downstairs to load into the SUV. Liv says goodbye to John, and she tears up as he hugs her. “Be safe,” he says. Her eyes squeeze shut as he grips her tighter.

“Will you tell dad for me?” she asks. He clears his throat and nods. I can tell he’s struggling to let her go. That he’s willing to sits heavy in my heart. She gives him one last squeeze as he kisses the top of her head. He pulls me in for another back clapping hug, then meets my gaze as he steps aside, and I nod.

Vera hugs her and says something I can’t hear. Skye hugs Liv next, then turns to me. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

I smirk and pull her in. “Same to you. Try not to drive Brando insane.” She smiles as she releases me.

Jordy loads up the bags and coolers while Jackson and Brando stand off to the side, looking like I kicked their puppy.

“You guys aren’t coming?” Liv asks them.

Jackson glances at me, then shakes his head no. “We need to take care of stuff here.”

She frowns and hugs him. He squeezes her tight before she moves over to hug Brando. “Just because you’re a badass fighter now doesn’t mean you get to slack on your training. I filled Jordy in so he can take over for me. When you come back, I expect you to be able to flip your brother on his ass.”

She laughs. Jackson turns serious for once. “Be safe, ok? Let Luke take care of you.”

She looks at him the same way she looks at John, with adoration and trust.

“I promise.” She squeezes his hand.

I hug and thank them for watching out for Skye. They meet my eyes and a quiet understanding passes between us. Skye is now their priority.

We all climb in and wait for Jordy as Skye pulls him in for a tight embrace. She tucks her head into his shoulder and he rubs her back up and down, whispering to her. I’m glad they’re close friends. Skye needs somebody stable in her life she can rely on besides me. They part and she joins Vera and the guys. He climbs into the driver’s seat and buckles in. “She good?” I ask.

He nods and clears his throat. “Yea. Just been a while since she hasn’t had me around.”

He starts the car and pulls out into traffic. Liv waves through the back window at everyone. They wave back with sad smiles. She sighs when they’re out of sight and leans into me. “I’m going to miss them.”

I wrap my arm around her. “Me too.” We settle in as Jordy pulls onto the freeway. We head north, and I look down at her.

She looks at me with a thousand questions in her eyes. “We’re going to my safe house just outside of LA in the mountains.”

She relaxes into me. “For how long?”

“I’m not sure. A month at least.”

“What about my job?”

“John spoke with your boss. He approved a leave of absence.”