She nods and exhales as she rests her head on my shoulder. I run through emails on my phone as Liv dozes. I message Emilia explaining why I’m going off grid. My legal team is already aware of Scotty, so I answer a few questions for them as they prepare the charges we’re going to pile on top of his crimes for today. My jaw clenches as I type. Today could have gone a lot worse. We got too complacent and underestimated Scotty. I didn’t realize how far he’d be willing to go. That he placed a hand on her...
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I open an email from Jim Maddox, who I spoke with a few hours ago. He’s already assigned two security officers to Liv for me. I click on the attached files listing their experience. They’re perfect.
I send my approval and ask him to get them here as fast as possible.
Three hours later, we turn onto the narrow dirt path that will take us to the house nestled on a ridge near the top of the mountain. It takes another ten minutes to wind our way up the mountain path. Liv rouses as the car jostles. She looks out the windshield as the path levels out and the headlights illuminate the house.
It’s a single story that looks like a regular California home on the outside. But with a simple command, the house shutters itself into an impenetrable fortress. It’s owned by Reilly Tech and is where we tested a lot of the security systems my dad created. They never made it past the prototype stage before he died. Now, it’s used to test other features like smart appliances and high-tech home entertainment systems. For secrecy, we list the property under a pseudonym. It would take a serious hacker to find it even exists. Scotty will never think to look here.
The garage door opens and Jordy parks inside. We climb out as it closes behind us and the lights turn on.
I move to the panel next to the door that leads into the kitchen. I wave Liv over and place my hand over the blinking square. “Welcome, Mr. Reilly. All systems clear,” a female voice with an Australian accent says.
“Thank you, Nova. Please activate new occupant Olivia Sutton,” I say and turn to Liv. “Put your hand on the screen, babe.”
She does, and we wait for the AI system to acknowledge her. “Welcome, Olivia,” Nova says.
“Uh, thanks house,” Liv says.
The guys chuckle as they move past us carrying bags. I kiss her on the tip of her nose. “I’ll teach you the commands tomorrow. The system will learn who you are the longer you’re here.”
“Welcome Mark, Welcome Jordy,” Nova says as they enter. This isn’t their first time here.
I grab our bags and Liv helps Jordy bring the cooler inside.
“Nova, activate stealth mode.”
“Stealth mode activated.”
Liv looks around with a curious gaze as they set the cooler down in the kitchen. “Ok, that’s cool. What did you do?” she asks.
“Cloaked our heat signatures." She stares at me with her mouth open and I pop it closed with a finger under her chin.
“Our room is at the end of the hall.” I motion for her to go ahead. She looks around the open floor plan as we head towards the bedroom. In the master suite is a king size bed and attached bathroom. It’s not as luxurious as my condo, but it will work.
I wheel her suitcase into the small walk-in closet along with my duffel. When I emerge, I find her sitting on the end of the bed, staring out the open door. I take a seat next to her and take her hand.
“Are you ok, babe?”
She looks down at our joined hands and nods. “I will be.”
I tip her chin up and press my lips to hers.
She smiles and stands, and we head down the hall to the living room. We find the guys in the kitchen past a large island with four metal bar stools facing the living room. They’re unpacking the coolers with the groceries we brought. I muscle Mark aside and take over for him. He’s not supposed to be on his feet right now. I’m still impressed as fuck that he took on three burly ass thugs. But I’m not surprised. I hired him for a reason.
Mark grunts but settles onto a barstool and faces us. “I just spoke with Jim. Walsh is being pulled from an op as we speak. He and Stone should arrive close to the same time tomorrow.”
I nod. “Are you familiar with them?”
“I’ve worked with Stone once before. He had just started when I left. He’s good at these assignments. Personable. Liv will like him. I only know Walsh by reputation.”
I turn to Jordy. “Did you check out his resume?”
He smirks and turns to Liv. “Your boyfriend hired Captain America to protect you.”
Liv looks confused as Mark chuckles.
I take her hand and squeeze. “I hired two officers from a security firm in New York. Mark used to work with them and the owner was friends with my dad.”