

“We’re going to my safe house outside of LA until your team brings Scotty in, and I’m convinced he can’t hurt us anymore.”

John nods. He’s my biggest ally in protecting Liv. It’s been his job since she was born. “I’ll do what I can to increase the search efforts. He’ll never touch my sister again."

“There’s something else you should know,” I say. Mark told me what Scotty said right before they ambushed him. There’s no way Scotty could have killed my mom, since he’s only a few years older than me. But he could have information. After today, John needs to know what we’re up against.

“I recently discovered that my mom’s death wasn’t an accident. She was murdered. There’s a chance Scotty knows who did it. I haven’t told Liv.”

He steps closer to me, squaring his shoulders and forcing me to raise my line of sight. “You’re telling me someone could have a hit out on my sister?”

I swallow and nod. Hearing it said out loud brings up every protective instinct I have, and I see the same mirrored in her brother’s eyes. “Yes. That’s what I’m telling you. I love her, John. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.”

He regards me for a moment, then sighs as he gathers his thoughts. “I need you to promise me something.”

I nod and wait.

“If shit spirals, you need to let her go. Her safety comes first.”

My stomach drops as I think about the possibility of losing Liv. But John and I are alike. The thought had already crossed my mind. If things get out of control, I’ll have to distance myself to keep her safe. I’m going to avoid that outcome by any means necessary.

“She always comes first,” I say.

He nods and hugs me, clapping me on the back. I press my lips together, pretending it didn’t hurt as I return the hug. “I’m sorry about your mom, but you need to tell Liv. She can handle it.”

I sigh and nod. “Can you come with us?”

He hesitates as he weighs and measures me with a long stare, then shakes his head no. "I have the resources to flush the rat out. You lie low with her until it’s done.”

“Can you keep an eye on my sister while I’m gone?”

His quick nod puts me at ease. Of anyone I know, he can understand how much Skye means to me. “Of course.”

“Thank you. We’ll keep you updated daily.” I motion for Jordy to give him the secure contact number. They discuss details of how to communicate as I meet the others in the kitchen. They watch me with expectant gazes. I regard my brothers and wait for Jordy and John to join us.

“I know Liv is important to you, but if we all disappear, Scotty will get suspicious. We need to keep him guessing for as long as possible. Both of you need to watch over Skye while we’re gone. He’s never gone after her before, but I won’t make the mistake of underestimating him again. You’re the only ones I trust to keep her safe. John can help too.”

I turn to Skye. “You’re going to stay with Brando while I’m gone.” Brando lives in a house close to the gym outfitted with the latest Reilly Tech security system. It’s not as secure as the safe house, but I feel better knowing she’s there instead of alone at her apartment.

Skye glances at Jordy, then down the hall where Liv disappeared. I can tell she wants to argue, but she stays silent. She took the news of mom’s murder about as well as I did.

Jordy already knows he’s coming with us. He works for me just like Mark. Jordy stands next to her, silent as usual, frowning as he stares at the countertop with his arms crossed.

“Luke, this isn’t a business trip. This is Liv. You need more than Jordy and Mark. We can all go,” Jackson says.

“I’m going to hire some officers from Maddox Security.”

Jackson’s face turns to stone and Brando’s jaw ticks. “Are you fucking kidding me? You think mall cop rejects are going to be better than us?” Jackson says, his voice dripping with incredulity.

“They’re not fucking mall cops and you know it." Jim only hires former military, police, or feds. Jackson knows that, but he doesn’t give a shit right now. Liv is family. I get it, but I need him here.

Jackson sighs and scrubs a hand over his short beard. “This is bullshit. You believe this Brando?”

Brando regards me for a minute, then sighs. “We’ve relied on Timberwolf to get us through some shit we shouldn’t have before. We have to trust him now.”

Jackson glares at me, then at Brando. He looks at the countertop and crosses his arms as he presses his lips together. His shoulders drop and he rolls his neck before he meets my eyes. I see nothing but trust. It’s happened a thousand times in our history together and always humbles me. He nods and I squeeze his shoulder. I’m not surprised at my brothers’ fierce reactions to what happened today. With none of us realizing it, Liv became part of us, just like that.