Page 81 of Not Quite Roommates

“All finished.” Logan rubbed his cleanshaven jaw. “It would have been better with you on it. You always manage to come up with the cutest puppies and situations.”

“I enjoyed working on the perfume. Jonah and I work well together.” She tried to not let heat creep into her cheeks. They worked real well in bed.

“Personally, I think you and I would make a great team.” Logan’s voice seemed lower in tone. “You know, I’ve been thinking since Saturday—”

The door to the breakroom opened and Jonah stepped through. Her heart did a jig as he met her eyes.

“We can talk later, Lace.” Logan walked out of the breakroom.

Jonah glanced at the closing door. “What was that about?”

“I almost fell getting a coffee mug and Logan came to my rescue.”

“Are you okay?” Jonah closed the distance between them and his gaze searched her head to toe and back again. He hadn’t even touched her and he lit a fire that had been absent when Logan had touched her.

“Except for a bruised pride, I think I’ll be fine.” She returned the chair to the table.

“I’m glad you aren’t hurt.” His voice low and gravelly wrapped around her. Jonah closed the remaining distance between them and for a brief second, she thought he might kiss her, but the door swung open.

Jonah stepped away as if he’d never been close.

“Logan just told me what happened,” Claire said as she rushed in. She touched Lacy’s arm. “Are you okay? I promise to leave a few coffee mugs on the counter for you from now on.”

“I’m good. That would be great. Thanks.” Lacy glanced at Jonah briefly before sighing. She was so screwed. “I think I’ll go get to work now.”

* * *

Logan’s rescuehad been the topic of the day. Even after they’d given both presentations and Drew and Morgan accepted them, it was “thank God Logan had been there to catch Lacy.”

Fucking Wolverine.

Jonah had hoped Lacy would receive some more recognition for their perfume ad. They’d received praise for the combination of innocence and sexy, but he couldn’t help but wonder if their coworkers thought he’d been the one to bring the sexy.

Morgan announced the client they had been courting was Bradbury, which in Jonah’s opinion seemed like too big of a client for the boutique agency. But Drew had assured them it would be on a project-by-project basis, not the whole account.

“Bradbury just wants to see what we come up with as opposed to the big guys.” Drew sat at the head of the conference table where they had gathered. “They haven’t been happy with some of what Hart Association has presented them with. We have a non-compete clause with Hart Association for clients we worked with. Both Morgan and I will be heading over to a meeting with Thomas today to discuss an amendment.”

“Smack Robin when you see her and tell her it’s from me,” Phoebe said with a smirk.

“No one is smacking Robin.” Morgan gave Phoebe a chastising look, though she also had a hint of a smile. “Today we need you guys to prepare for tomorrow, because if Hart Association agrees to our amendment, then we’re going to be hauling ass to work on a new cologne ad for Bradbury Industries. The turnaround is quick because we’re being called in late in the game.”

Jonah nodded along with everyone else. There were always other projects to work on in the meantime. Nothing as urgent as the two they just completed though. But the jewelry ad needed work. As they broke up to head to their desks, Jonah grabbed Lacy’s arm.

She stopped and looked up at him. The temptation to lean in and kiss her had been pressing on him since the elevator. Fuck, this was hard. He said, under his breath, “Have lunch with me?”

Her eyes widened and she nodded briefly. He drew in her peaches and cream scent and released her arm. Her fingers brushed the backs of his as she headed to her desk. As soon as she sat down, Logan hovered over her. Jonah couldn’t hear what Logan said but he felt Lacy’s laugh like a punch to the gut.

Fucking Wolverine. He seemed much more interested in Lacy this week, which only pissed Jonah off. If Logan couldn’t see how attractive Lacy was prior to this weekend, he didn’t deserve her. Besides, right now, she was Jonah’s. He wasn’t about to give her up just because her stupid crush finally screwed his head on right.

Logan’s interest was likely temporary. It would run its course before Jonah and Lacy stopped fucking.

Everyone returned to their respective seats to work. It was much more quiet today than it had been for the past week. Even the phones didn’t ring as much. Midmorning, Lacy headed into the breakroom with her coffee mug. He tried to resist for a moment.

Grabbing his coffee mug, he followed her.

Lacy waited for the coffee to brew. The door shut behind him and they were alone for a second.

She smiled up at him. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. Can’t afford to go into zombie mode.”