Page 80 of Not Quite Roommates


Lacy didn’t wantto think of how this thing with Jonah would end as they rode the elevator to work the next day. Waking up in Jonah’s arms had been an experience she wanted always. Especially how he’d woken her up, slowly tormenting her until she shattered all around him. Even her shower hadn’t managed to tone down the permanent blush on her cheeks.

For now, she decided to let herself stay in fantasy land where everything Jonah said meant more than it did. And pretend she wasn’t falling in love with him and letting him go wouldn’t break her heart into a thousand pieces.

Even knowing the end was inevitable, she wanted to give Jonah something he’d never had before, but she wasn’t sure how you gave someone a home. Obviously it wasn’t just a place, but a feeling. Her mind turned it over while they walked into the office.

“Hey, guys,” Emily’s bright voice greeted them.

Lacy smiled. She had to remember to people today. “Morning. How are you today?”

“Couldn’t be better.” Emily shifted her attention to Jonah. “How about you?”

“Never better.”

Lacy managed to catch a glimpse of the smile Jonah gave with that statement. Then his blue eyes collided with hers and the smile turned softer. Her heart filled her chest like an inflated balloon.

Warning bells should be going off in her head. She should really talk to Beth. She needed to be talked down before her heart did something stupid and fell off the really high ledge and hoped to land in Jonah’s hands. Though she knew it would just shatter on the concrete. She smiled back at Jonah and headed for the breakroom, not even stopping at her desk to drop off her purse.

Coffee would help her think. Coffee would return her rationality.

The breakroom was empty, but of course, all the coffee mugs were on the upper shelf again. Lacy dropped her purse on the table and tugged a chair over to the counter. She was standing on the counter when the breakroom door opened.

“Lace?” Logan’s voice made her turn a little too quickly.

She swayed to get her balance, but she couldn’t quite get it. Hands grabbed her thighs under her skirt, which she wore because of Jonah, but those weren’t Jonah’s hands.

“I’ve got you,” Logan said.

Her face was warm as she realized Logan’s hands were under her skirt and all she could think was how they didn’t feel a thing like Jonah’s hands on her thighs. No tingling or thoughts of sex at all. Only white-hot embarrassment.

“I think I’m balanced now.” She needed his hands off her. They felt wrong. She reached down a hand to him.

Logan removed one of his hands but left the other one in place and grabbed her hand to help her step down. “You could have just asked for a mug.”

When she stepped onto the chair, he pulled his hand off her other thigh but kept her hand to help her to the floor. She wanted to say maybe whoever put the mugs up in the morning could leave a few down for those who can’t reach, but instead she simply said, “Thank you.”

“That would have been quite the fall for a cup of coffee.” He released her hand and got down two coffee mugs.

“That’s me. Willing to die for coffee.” She tried to smile, but her crush had had his hands on her thighs and she’d felt nothing. Not even a microscopic jolt of what she felt when Jonah touched her. Maybe being with Jonah was messing with her head.

“Sorry about grabbing you inappropriately, but in my defense, I was pretty sure I was saving your life.” Logan held out the coffee pot to fill hers before he moved to fill his own. “Do we need to fill out HR forms? Or watch a sexual harassment video?”

“No harm done, and you definitely saved me from a nasty fall.” She shrugged and sipped the warm coffee. “My hero.”

“You’re welcome to call me Superman whenever you want.” He gave her a wink.

Not even a little thrill at the wink. She still gave him a small smile. “Don’t you mean Wolverine?”

“Ugh, please not you too. It’s not often, but occasionally a woman will ask if she can call me that.” He ran a hand over his hair and his dark eyes met hers with a smirk. “As long as you only do it when no one else is around, you can call me Wolverine.”

She shook her head. “I was only teasing you.”

She didn’t add the only one who called him Wolverine was Jonah.

“Did you guys finish the Timeless campaign last night?” Logan leaned against the wall opposite of where she leaned against the counter.

Lacy nodded. “How about Olly’s?”