Page 82 of Not Quite Roommates

A flash of desire struck through him, thinking about last night and this morning. She’d been tucked against him and he couldn’t resist her warmth. He set his mug on the table and sat to wait. “A shame about your sleep.”

Her cheeks flushed as she dropped into the chair next to him, resting her arms on the table. “It’s bad enough my roommate wakes me too early with a blender most days.”

“That’s a bad roommate. Why do you put up with him?” He traced his finger around the rim of his coffee cup while holding her gaze.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly and she crossed her legs, drawing his attention to them and her skirt. He never should have suggested she wear a skirt. If this room had a lock. . . .

“He does have some things going for him,” she said.

His attention returned to her face. “Such as?”

“Well, he’s tall and can reach the top shelf.”

“Very important for a roommate.”

“That, and he’s so strong, he can open pretty much every jar.”

“Amazing. How did you ever get by without him?”

“There still is the blender though.” She gave him a fake sad face.

He shook his head slowly. “That is a shame.”

“Oh, but. . . .” She stood and went to the coffee pot. “He always has coffee ready for me in the morning.”

He walked to the counter and closed the distance between them until he could feel the heat of her body. He held his cup out for her to fill it “Always?”

She turned those bright eyes up at him and said simply, “Always.”

The door handle turned and Jonah took a step back before Claire came in.

“Fresh coffee?” Claire asked, practically holding her mug out. Her gaze glanced between the two of them and a wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows.

Lacy nodded and poured Claire a cup as Jonah went out into the office.

* * *

Instead of eatingin the breakroom as always, Lacy sat across from Jonah in a booth, looking at a pub house menu. He’d found a million ways to touch her discreetly all morning. Borrowing something so their fingers would brush. Leaning down to look at the screen of her computer, he’d stroked her shoulder. Passing by so he could graze her skirt. On the way here, he’d held her hand with their fingers intertwined.

She needed the water the waitress brought over to help cool her down. She wasn’t really reading the menu, but she needed a break from his eyes. She wanted to lose herself in them but that would serve no purpose. Her heart wasn’t exactly listening to reason anymore.

“What can I get for you two?” The waitress smiled at both of them, though her eyes lingered a little longer on Jonah. Lacy couldn’t really blame the woman. Jonah was a good-looking man, but she did feel a slight pinch in her heart when he smiled at the woman.

“I’ll take the pub veggie burger with a salad.” Jonah turned his smile to Lacy and her heart started again.

“Um. . . .” Lacy glanced at the menu for a second. “Grilled chicken sandwich with fries, please.”

“Great.” The waitress took the menus and disappeared.

“Tell me more about Lacy.” Jonah’s legs slid against hers under the table, trapping her in. Her heart fluttered.

“What do you want to know?” She shrugged. Honestly, what didn’t Jonah know about her at this point. “You know about my hopeless crushes and about my horrible college experience.”

His eyes pinned her to her seat. “That doesn’t define who you are. Those are things that happen. You fall for guys. Okay. Sure, most girls wait to be in a relationship, but at least you fall. Some people never take the time to make anything theirs.”

She wanted to ask if that’s what he did. Never make anything his. Not anywhere or anyone. She wanted to know everything about him, but it really wasn’t her place to ask.

She cleared her throat. “Okay, how about the basics. I have three older brothers. As their baby sister, they used to look out for me. Of course that meant they also discouraged guys from asking me out. Not that I’m the type of girl who attracted much attention, but what little I did, they made sure no one thought twice about me. By high school, I had my crushes. Guys who it would have never happen with, but I could sit and fantasize about a day when we’d be together.”