I smile slowly. “We may hate men, but men have something most of us enjoy. A well sized cock. And I may not like you four, but I'm not blind. You are all hot as fuck, and I’m sure most of these girls would love to take a ride on your joysticks.” I laugh. “But they won't. I'll make it known that you are also off limits.”

“But if they choose to, why can't they?” Axel grunts.

I look at him, and my smile widens. “Because, as of right now, you are all cut off from sex.”

Dean and Axel's eyes go wide. They both start to protest loudly, talking over each other. I start to cackle like an evil mastermind. God, this is fun. I mean, it’s a dick move, but fuck them and everything they caused to happen to me. They deserve it and so much more. I'm sure they can survive a little blue balls. If anything, as long as they take turns switching hands as they jack off, they could build some serious muscles. Or get a pussy pump.

“You can't do that!” Axel growls.

I stop laughing and raise a brow with a smile. “Oh, but I can. And I just did.”

“And what if we don't agree,” Dean asks. I can see his control slipping, and he’s ready to burst. I bet myself throwing star practice with a live target if he walks out again from this meeting. I need to find a new play toy soon. It's been a few days, and I’m starting to get itchy. Would be fun to usehimas a target, turning him into a human piñata.

“Then I'll cut off your dick and put it in a jar on my shelf.” I giggle. “Would make a great addition to my collection.” Dean’s face pales.

“Oh oh, can I watch?” Neo bursts in, bouncing in his seat.

“Mayyyybe,” I say. “If you’re a good boy and do what Queenie says, my new little pet.” Neo smiles wide at my comment, like he's honored to be mine in any way.

“There's only so much shit I can take in one night,” Axel says, getting up and heading to the door with Dean following behind him. My smile slips, and I quickly grab my dagger from my holster on my thigh, throwing it in their direction. It whizzes past their faces, right in between their heads, and lands in the door with a heavy thud. Their bodies go rigid, but they don't turn around.

“Walk out on me again after tonight, and I’ll aim that a little further over,” I warn. My voice is deadly, void of all previous playfulness. “Clear?”

“Crystal,” Axel snarks, then Dean rips open the door.

“Remember, 9 am sharp. Don't make me come find you!” I shout at their receding backs.

“Well, then, now that the drama queens are gone, let's continue, shall we?” I ask the two remaining men with a bright smile.

“Umm," Neo says, raising his hand like he's in school.

“Yes?” I ask with a raised brow, a smile still in place.

“That was fucking hot.” Neo groans. His attraction to violence supersedes mine. Yeah, I'm gonna need him as my new reliever. Something tells me he would kiss the ground I walk on. It would be nice to have a man follow with utter blindness.

“I agree.” I bite my lip. Fuck, am I flirting? I don't do that shit. But his beast is calling to mine, like fated mates or some shit.

“Harlow?” Cass asks. “I need to talk to you about a few things regarding my daughter Rosie.”

That sobers me up, and business Queenie takes her place. “Alright,” I nod.

“Well, you see, her mother, Brianna, has been messing around with the agreed upon custody arrangements. She hasn't been sticking to it, and she knows she can get away with it because I don't have the money to take her to court to fight it. So lately, she's been picking up and dropping Rosie off at random times. I might not be able to be here with the guys all the time.” He looks worried like I'm about to lose my shit on him or something.

“As long as you always let me know, and it really is because of Rosie, I'll allow it,” I say, and he relaxes. “Also, if you ever need someone to watch her, I trust my girls, and I trust Evie with my life. Let me know.”

He gives me a warm smile that does fucked up things to me.Nope, nope, not happening. Shut that shit down, Low, we are not catching feels for this guy. Dude destroyed you, remember?But fuck, he looks like a tasty treat looking all buff and stuff. I just wanna grab a fistful of that hair and use it as reins as I ride his cock like a bronco rider. At least he could be good for one thing.

“Thank you. I appreciate the offer. I'll keep that in mind.”

“I mean, I could always watch her too,” I say casually with a shrug. He makes a choking sound, sending Neo into a fit of laughter. I look at him annoyed. “Hey! I would be a kick ass babysitter. I love kids,” I pout.

“Harlow, you murdered a room full of men all while dancing and singing just the other night.” Cass points out.

“Like a fucking badass, I might add,” Neo throws in.

“Yes, but she still murders people,” Cass counters. He looks panicked and protective of his daughter.

“Cassius, I need you to understand a few things. One: I love kids. Two: I would rather die than allow or cause harm to any child in general, let alone one that is in my care. Rosie would be safe with me. Hell, the safest place for her would probably be with me.”