Cass looks like he's about to go all Papa Bear on me. The first real defiant thing he's done since we reconnected. “Down boy!” I chuckle. “I’m not saying you can’t protect your baby girl; I'm just saying that there’s little to no one who would dare fuck with me. You guys will see that for yourselves real soon.”

He nods. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Alright, well, that's all I got for tonight. You can go, Cass. I'll be seeing you tomorrow.” Cass gets up, and leaves. Neo gets up to follow. “Neo, you stay,” I command and get a groan in response. Not out of disappointment, but full-on heated anticipation. God, he really is perfect to be my new pet.

“I have another job offer for you, if you’re up for the extra workload.” I smile as he turns around with blown pupils and an excited expression all over his face.

“Anything,” he says eagerly. “Anything at all. I'll be your fucking footstool if you want.” He’s almost panting at the thought.

“Perfect,” I smirk. “But this job would be more enjoyable than that, on both our parts.” He sits back down but on the edge of his seat, as if ready to jump up and start worshiping at my feet anytime, if I’d only ask. I smirk at his puppy love.

“After I play, I always have this lingering adrenaline in my body. Garrett, the man you saw leaving my office the other night, used to help me take care of that. But he moved away, and now I find myself in need of a replacement. I’d like to offer you the job.” I lean back in my chair, cross my legs, and place my arms along the arm rest, looking a little more professional despite my baggy clothes and messy bun. Even now, I know I’m a fucking bombshell, so who fucking cares.

“And how exactly do I help rid you of this extra energy? Just to be clear on my job description.” He gives me a sly smile. The fucker knows exactly what I mean. I’m sure as fuck they all heard me getting my brains fucked out.

“To put it bluntly, I'm gonna need you to destroy my pussy. I’m gonna need you to fuck me so hard and good that I see stars, or at the very least until I cum hard a minimum of three times. Then and only then canyoucum. Where, it doesn't matter. On me, in me, around me. As long as I get to cum, nothing else matters.” That's not exactly true; I want my partners satisfied. But he doesn't need to know that part yet.

Neo groans as if he just came in his pants. Wait... did he?! He adjusts his pants, and my eyes zero in on the wet spot on his pants. The crazy fucker nutted into his pants like a teenager...I guess he likes the idea then.

“Thatneverhappens,” he says, but he doesn't seem embarrassed. “I can usually go for hours. But hearing you talk like that, on top of me being hard as a rock ever since you walked out on stage, plus that little dagger trick you did, and well... there's only so much my sick, twisted mind can take...” His voice is deep and husky and, fuck, does it do things to my newly aching clit. Neo is a gorgeous man. A sinfully sexy man. Black hair, short on the sides, longer on the top. A Cali kissed tan and piercing blue eyes. I always had it big for Neo when we were younger. I know my body remembers him, but my mind won't let me forget.

“So, you want the job or what?” I ask.

“More than anything in the world,” he replies.

“Alright, then you need to know about the rest of the rules. Younevertouch me without my permission. Even when I'm ramped up and ready to go, mentally, I can only handle you touching me if I give consent. It’s just something I need, or I get... stabby.” He nods.

“I would never touch you without your go ahead first.”

“I don't kiss. Kissing is personal, and this is just a business arrangement.” He nods again. “I already banned you from touching anyone else, but even if I didn't, being with me meansonlybeing with me. If you have needs outside our arrangement, suck it up. You will just have to wait until I need you to get off. However, your hand is allowed.”

“Seeing how you're the only woman left in the world, at least in my eyes, that won't be a problem.” He smiles adoringly. Eww, stop, stop being all sweet and shit. It's weird, dude. You're just as crazy and fucked up as me. I'm pretty sure you’ve killed your fair share of people too. Stop acting like a puppy! .... Or... Let’s see if he goes along with...

“I am your master now, and you are my pet. You will obey my every command, even outside of sex,” I demand, my voice heavy with authority.

“Whatever you say, Mistress.” There's a tent in his pants again, and his breathing starts to pick up.

“You're gonna need to get that under control. I mean, it's hot how easily I affect you, but cumming in your pants every five minutes is gonna get old. And inconvenient.”

He lets out a deep chuckle. “Trust me when I say that you willneverhave a problem with me getting it up,” he says, then waves a hand in front of his dick. I raise my brows and shrug.

“Sooo, do you need any help tonight?” he asks hopefully.


“Oh,” he says, sounding disappointed.

“Guess you're just gonna have to follow me around like a little puppy from now on, My Pet. Never know when I’m gonna need a good, hard fucking,” I smirk.

“Done and done,” he chuckles.

“I’m tired as fuck and need to sleep. Weekends are crazy around here.”

“More crazy than tonight?” he asks with amusement.

“You would be surprised,” I laugh.

“Alright then, the Queen needs her sleep. Don't let me keep you waiting,” he says, getting up and heading for the door. He pauses just before he leaves the room.

“Harlow?” he says, all playfulness gone, his mood sad and remorseful.

“What?” I ask, not sure if I'm gonna like what he has to say.

“I didn't know,” he says.

My brows pinch. “Know what?”

“What Dean did. Sending you away. I didn't know he did that. I didn't find out until a few days after when you didn't show up to spend the summer with us. Dean decided everything on his own and told everyone but me and Cass. Just so you know, Cass beat the shit out of him, and then I took my turn. I don't care what his reasoning was for what he did, I wouldn't have let you go,” he says. “I never wanted you to leave, even if it might have been for your safety. I was and always will be a selfish bastard,” he says before turning back around and leaving.

What the fuck are these guys doing to me! Fuck, fuck, fuck! That part of me died years ago, and here they are resurrecting what should be dead like some fucking necromancers or some shit. Fuckers really need to fuck right off, or I’ll need to start chopping shit off!