Chapter 8


The way they watchedme when I was up on stage gave me power. The lust and want was unmistakable, even Axel and Dean. They aren't fooling anyone, but I could also see they didn't want to react to me that way. Unlike Neo, who was salivating after me like a hungry hound does a bone. Then there is Cassius; he looked like he was watching his long-lost lover, who he still harbors feelings for. That, I don't like. I said it once; I'll say it again. Feelings, eww.

After I leave the room, I can hear the crowd pick up again once I'm out of sight. Bunch of pussies. Not like I'm gonna kill them... for no reason.

When I get to my office, I ask Lucas to grab the guys and bring them back here. Time to tell them their new jobs. This is gonna be good. They are gonna freak. Well, maybe not Neo. I can see him totally enjoying what I have planned for them.

I head into the back and wash off the sweat I’ve worked up from dancing. I normally have a bit of extra energy coursing through my veins after a show, but it’s nowhere near as powerful as it is after a kill, so the need to fuck isn't as strong. I easily take care of myself with what I like to call rub-a-dub tug, or more simply put, a shower vibrator. It’s a big black cock that uses suction cups to stick it onto the edge of my tub. I love the looks of shock when people go back there to use the bathroom, in between meetings, and are met with a thick, eight-inch vibrating dildo.

Still looking for a real one. A thick, eight-inch cock, I mean. Although, it would be fucking epic if cocks could vibrate. I mean, some twitch when they come, but that's not the same.

I wonder if one of the guys has a big cock like that. From what I can remember, Cass had a pretty big cock for an 18-year-old. It must have grown as he did.Right?

Shut the fuck up, Harlow, stop thinking about their cocks. They are naughty men who need to be punished.

That thought has me smiling as I think of what I'm about to tell the guys.

When I'm changed, I pull my damp hair up into a messy bun and head out to the main part of the office. As soon as I enter the room, all four men stop whatever conversation they were in the middle of and snap their gaze to me.

Neo’s eyes light up with a hungry glint. I smile and roll my eyes as I plop down into my chair, spinning once, before placing my elbows on the desk and setting my chin on top of my hands.

“Hi,” I say, my voice perky and high. “So, we meet again.”

“Because you fucking called and demanded us to be here tonight,” Axel grumbles. I narrow my eyes at him.

“Watch your tongue, Pretty Boy, or you're gonna find yourself missing it real quick,” I warn, all playfulness gone because this ass-face just had to go and ruin my good mood.

Dean clears his throat, interrupting Axel's and my glare off. “We came like you asked.”

I snicker at his words, and Neo looks at me with amusement, like he knows my dirty mind is interpreting what Dean said differently. “I'm sure you did.” I wiggle my brows. Dean frowns.

“I mean, you asked us to be in attendance tonight, and here we are,” he rephrases—Party pooper.

“Well, yeah.” I say, “You work for me now. So, when I say jump, you need to say how high.” I smile.

Cass snickers while Neo looks eager to obey. On the other hand, Axel is giving me a dirty look, and Dean’s jaw ticks.

“Calm down, D. If you clench your teeth any harder, they’re gonna fall out.” I giggle with a wink. He clenches and unclenches his fists in response.

“You name it, and I'll do it.” Neo pipes up.

Axel scoffs. “You just want to get your dick wet. I bet if she told you to suck her toes, you would,” Axel sneers at his cousin and his easy betrayal.

“And your point is?” Neo smirks. He sticks his thumb in his mouth, sucks it with a moan, then pulls it out with a pop and bursts into laughter at the sight of his cousin's face. Axel is looking at Neo like he wants to murder him, but I’m sure they are all used to his behavior by now. I may hate these guys, but I hate Neo the least and Dean the most, but Axel might end up tied with Dean here soon.

“Focus, boys, we have important business to attend to,” I say, leaning back in my chair and propping my feet up on my desk. “Tomorrow, I want you boys in here at 9 am sharp. For now, until I can find better things to do with you, you will be doing grunt work. Cleaning the club, stocking the kitchen and bar, cleaning the bathrooms and changing rooms. Stuff like that. The girls are normally in for their shifts by 6 pm for their 8 pm shows. You are never to be alone in a room with any one of my girls. It’s preferred if you avoid them completely until we are open to the public if possible.”

“We're not gonna hurt them.” Dean blinks at me, slightly taken off guard by my rules.

I give him a fake, sweet smile. “Listen, buddy,” I coo. “You are a stranger to me. I don't know you. These girls have lived just as fucked up lives as I have, so most of them don't feel safe being alone around men. This club gives them the security to do what they love, while being safe and protected. Only a mindless moron would dare try to fuck with me or them. But that still doesn't mean you are an exception to the rule.” I keep my fake smile on and rapidly blink at him. I probably look stupid, but it's pissing him off.

“We're not strangers,” Cass says.

Now it's my turn to scoff and roll my eyes. “I stand by what I said. I knew who you were eight years ago, and that’s sure as hell not who you are now, so yes, you’re strangers. Anyways, the only women you're allowed around are Evie and Roxy, who is the bartender. If the other girls choose to be in the same room as you, that is up to them. If one of my girls makes a pass at you, do not touch them. They are off limits.”

“Why would they try anything with us? Don't they hate men, like you do?” Cass asks with a raised brow.