This kiss started as sweet, but soon he took over and showed her all the passion he was feeling. Turning her so that her back was facing him, he slipped inside her and slowly made love to her. Reaching around, he palmed her nipples and then reached for her clit, taking her to the stars with him.

They sat in the spray of warm water until they had both recovered, then Tyler stood Tammy up, washed and conditioned her hair before quickly washing himself and leading her out of the shower.

He wrapped her in a huge warm towel and grabbed one for himself before taking her to the bedroom to dress.

“Put on something pretty baby and we’ll go eat.” He felt like showing her off. He wanted the world to know this beautiful woman was his.

* * * *

After dinner, where they shared a bottle of wine, Tyler took Tammy home and sat her down to explain further what would happen when Derek interviewed her and to ask her a few questions of his own.

By the time they were done, Tammy was almost falling asleep in his arms. It had been a long day and the wine had made her tired.

Carrying her to bed, he undressed her and laid her naked in the bed. Tucking her into his bed, he kissed her good night and went to check his messages and laptop.

There were a couple messages from Derek and one from Dillon. Glancing at the messages from Derek, nothing important, he went to the message from Dillon.

Tammy’s father had called in a missing person’s report on her. He was desperately trying to find her and didn’t care that he was involving the police to get her back. Rumor was that if he didn’t get her back to the mob, it was “cement boots and hello river” for him. He had really screwed up, stealing that drug money, and the wrong people were pissed at him.

Dillon had already notified Derek and the FBI. The locals were informed that they were no longer needed and for the moment everything was calm. Not that it would last for long.

The interview tomorrow was more crucial than they had realized and it was going to be very intense for Tammy. Dillon and Derek had done their best to handle it, but FBI brass was coming down on them. Apparently they had been looking into this mob for years. They had people inside the mob, but they hoped Tammy would be able to provide information they were missing. Tyler doubted it, but had no control over the situation and the interview would progress with or without his consent.

Finishing what he needed to do, he went to bed himself, knowing he needed rest to be his best for Tammy. She was going to need him after the grueling interview Derek had planned.

Chapter Eleven

Tammy was exhausted after the five-hour interview and all she wanted to do was eat and sleep.

Almost crying, she let Tyler lead her to his truck and help her in. Sitting in the seat, she looked at him and let go.

“All three of them kept asking the same thing over and over until Derek stopped it. It was like I was not telling the truth. Why do they do that? I told them everything I know. Over and over, I kept saying the same thing. I thought it was just going to be Derek. Why did they need to have him plus three other people ask me? What did I do wrong?”

She was mentally exhausted. The interview was the worst thing she had been through, other than her kidnapping. Tyler pulled her into his arms and she melted. Sobbing, she let it all out, muttering the word “why” over and over.

Tyler held her and let her cry. He had known the interview would be difficult, but had no idea that it would affect her this way. When he got her home and settled down, he was going to have a conversation with Derek and find out what the hell had happened. This was bullshit.

Finally getting Tammy calm enough that he could let her go and drive, he pulled her to lie with her head in his lap while he drove, letting her sleep on the way home.

When he got her home, he carried her into his bedroom and stripped her before putting her to bed. She needed to eat, but needed rest more. He would feed her when she woke. She barely moved the entire time he was undressing her and settling her in.

He didn’t want to leave her but needed to talk to Derek and was afraid to disturb her.

When Derek answered the phone, the first words Tyler heard were, “Look man, I’m sorry. I did everything I could. I had no idea that they were going to take over like that. Is she okay?”

Taking a deep breath and biting back the words he had planned on saying, Tyler answered, “She’ll be okay. It was really rough on her and she doesn’t understand. Did the asses explain anything to her?”

Tyler really wanted to yell at someone, but Derek wasn’t responsible and he didn’t need the added aggravation of calming him down, too.

“No, but let me fill you in. After you two left, I had a talk with the three of them and they explained that this ring has been laundering money and have several federal contacts. They really want these guys. There may be some high level congress involved and you know how these guys like to bust senators.”

“Yeah, but what did they expect to get from her?”

“Apparently her father is in deeper than I was told. He’s been involved for a lot longer than I was or

iginally informed and they think she knows more than she’s telling.”

Tyler ran his hand over his face and asked, “What’s your read on her?”