“I think she’s being honest. It was taped and I e-mailed the file to you so you can watch and see for yourself, but I don’t read any dishonesty from her. With all the hours she states she was working to support the two of them, she wasn’t around enough to know what he was up to.”

“Thanks, man, that means a lot. I’ll view the file and get back to you.” Tyler took his laptop and a pair of headphones back to the bedroom. He wanted to be there when Tammy woke up.

Taking off his shirt and sitting up in the bed, he pulled her head to rest on his abdomen and started the file.

He had watched over two hours of the interview when he felt Tammy stir. Quickly shutting it down, since he didn’t want her to see what he was watching, he pulled her up his chest to kiss her.

“Hey beautiful, feeling better?” He smiled at her.

“Yeah, I’m hungry, can we eat?” she asked sleepily.

“Sure baby,” he said, getting up and handing her one of his shirts.

Grabbing the shirt, she smiled, “Can we walk back to the park later? I’d really like to get out for a while.”

“Whatever the lady wants,” he answered, glad she felt like doing something.

After they ate, Tyler sent Tammy to dress while he cleaned the kitchen, then they headed for the park. It was nice, but they grabbed jackets in case it got cold.

Sitting in the park talking, Tyler noticed that the same car kept driving by. He didn’t like the looks of the characters in it. Using his phone he snapped some pictures of the car and sent them to Dillon to identify.

Tammy looked at him curiously but didn’t say anything. She really didn’t want to know.

After the interview and what they had told her about her father, she was very overwhelmed. She had known her dad was in trouble, but had no idea how deep he had gotten. And it hadn’t happened recently.

She had learned that he was involved with the mob before her mom passed away and that was part of the reason they lost everything and kept on the move.

Her dad had been hiding from the mob for years before they found him and he got involved with them again. Even before he stole the drug money, he owed more than he could ever pay back. Her whole life had been a lie. Nothing her dad had ever told her was the truth.

Their house had belonged to the mob, the cars, everything. Her dad had been involved with them before he married her mom. They would never have had a normal life. It was only because her dad had changed his name before he married her mom that he had been able to hide as long as he did.

After Tyler saw the same car pass the third time, he knew it was time to leave. He was afraid they would try to take Tammy and he hadn’t brought his gun with him. No way was he leaving the house without it again.

Walking her quickly home, she almost couldn’t keep up and finally said something. “Tyler, you have to slow down, I can’t do this.” She was panting.

“We need to hurry, baby, come on.” He had a really bad feeling.

Just as they got to the house the car came by again, this time very slow. Staring them down, Tyler dragged Tammy in the house, slammed the door, and went for his gun.

“Lock yourself in my bathroom until I tell you to come out.”

“What? Why?” Tammy practically screamed.

“Do it! Now!” He shoved her towards the room.

Not sure what was going on, but sure that Tyler knew what he was doing, she did as told and crawled into the tub, covering herself with a towel, hiding.

She heard a pounding at the door and shouting voices, it sounded like there was a fight. There were sounds of things breaking and she watched the door closely waiting for someone to bust through it.

Oh shit, she thought, did I lock it? Scared to get up and check, and scared not to, she finally made herself get up and check. Yes, she had.

Back in the tub, she hugged her knees and laid her head on them, praying for Tyler and herself. She didn’t even have a phone to call anyone. If Tyler didn’t come for her, what the hell was she going to do? She started looking around for something she could use as a weapon.

What she didn’t know was that Tyler had also set the bathroom up as a safe room. The minute he heard her shut the door he activated an alarm that locked the bathroom down until he or Derek entered a code to unlock it. The alarm also sent notice to the police and to Derek and he knew in a matter of minutes the cavalry would be there. He just had to protect her until then.

He locked himself in Tammy’s bedroom to throw them off. He wanted to be with her, but by creating another target he bought them a few more minutes. He heard the door crash and someone yell, “We know you’re fucking in here, give us the girl and no one gets hurt.” Then he heard things crashing, they were trashing the place.

Standing squarely in front of the door, he aimed his gun so he could shoot first and ask questions later. When the door crashed in he would shoot whoever came through it first.