When she was begging and pleading, arching off the bed, he pulled all his fingers out and started feeding the plug into her. Slowly he pushed, keeping a constant pressure. When he had the plug fully seated, he leaned up and over her, taking her mouth in a scorching kiss.

“I’m going to take you now, baby. It’s going to be tight, so relax with me,” he said against her mouth. He started slowly pushing himself inside her, knowing she would be tight with the plug inside and it would be a totally different sensation for her.

Moving so slow it was torture for them both, he slowly took her, going deeper and deeper, watching her face to make sure she was enjoying it as much as he was.

“Oh God, it’s so…so I didn’t know, how can you?” Tammy didn’t know what she was trying to say, only that she needed release and Tyler just kept pushing her higher and higher than she ever knew she could go.

Having her arms and legs restrained should have scared her, but it made her feel free. All she could do was lie there and let Tyler do as he wanted. She had her safe words, so she knew she could stop things, but she felt safe with him. She trusted him more than she had anyone she ever had trusted anyone in her life. Even though it had only been a short time since he had found her, she knew in her heart that he would never do anything to harm her and would always be there for her.

Tyler gradually increased the depth and speed of his thrusts, feeling her body respond. When he could tell she was ready and couldn’t hold it back any longer, he let go, telling her to come with him. Tammy saw stars and felt like she had reached the moon, she was floating so high. Every time was better than the last.

Tyler lay on top of her a brief moment, catching his breath. This girl was amazing and it just kept getting better and better.

He fell to his side, panting. It had never been like this with another woman. Reaching up, he released her hands, then knelt down to do her legs. He removed the clamps and plug, then got a warm cloth to clean the lube and her fluids. Lying back on his back, he pulled her body to drape over his and pulled a light blanket over them both. The sweat cooling on their bodies would make her cold and he didn’t want that.

Tyler lay with Tammy across him, letting her rest. They would have to get up soon and eat, then he needed to talk to her about the interview tomorrow and prepare her. They had given her a few details while at Derek’s, but he needed to prepare her more.

Chapter Ten

Whey Tyler woke Tammy up, he took her to the big shower in his bathroom. It was a place of luxury. He had spent a lot of time looking for the perfect condo to buy. One of his requirements was a huge master bath and bedroom. Even though the bathroom hadn’t been exactly what he wanted, it had the space he needed to make it his. He had spent a lot of money and a lot of time perfecting the room. Tyler knew that women love a long soak in a huge tub and had made sure his would fit not only his woman, but himself as well. The tub and shower were a work of art.

The tub was deep and wide, big enough to stretch all the way out, and he could lay flat on his back with room to spare. It was wide enough for two people to sit comfortably side by side and deep enough that when sitting, his head barely cleared the top and could recirculate and reheat the water, keeping it warm for hours.

There were jets positioned all over the sides and bottom, and all were activated by a control panel on the side of the tub. He also had a remote that would start it filling and the tub would automatically stop filling when it reached a certain level.

The shower was also huge and had several shower heads positioned at different levels on the ceiling and two walls. The entire bathroom was on a separate heating unit and could be heated or cooled to any temperature within a matter of minutes. The towel rods were heated ,and he had bought the largest, most luxurious towels he could find. He could easily wrap himself and one other person in one towel.

The last addition to the shower and the tub he had done with the help of Derek, as there were some things contractors didn’t need to know. They had added hidden bolts and

eye rings for restraining a submissive. Yes, the bathroom was any Dom and sub’s dream.

He started all ten of the shower heads and the heater for the room and soon it was warm and steamy. Standing Tammy under the spray, he grabbed the body wash he had bought just for her. It was mango-scented and edible. He also had lotion and a powder, all edible, to use with her.

“Wow, that smells incredible. What is it?” Tammy asked when he opened the bottle.

He explained what it was, where he got it, and what else he had as he ran his hands up and down her body, washing every nook and cranny. Turning her, he removed the bandages from her back, declaring it healed enough that they didn’t need to worry about it anymore.

Getting down on his knees, he spread her legs and started drifting his hand through her folds. He hadn’t planned on doing more that showering, but couldn’t resist her.

“Baby, have you ever shaved your pussy?” he asked her, swirling soap through her curls there.

“No,” she answered with a groan as he brushed her clit.

“Would you let me do it?” he asked for future reference. It wouldn’t happen now, but soon.

“Yes, anything,” she moaned, wanting him to touch her clit again. Even though she had just had a mind-blowing orgasm in the bedroom, she was ready to come again. How could he keep doing this to her? Every time was better than the last and she wanted him more all the time. By the time he was done with her, she would be a nymphomaniac. If she had known what she was missing, she wouldn’t have been a virgin as long as she had been.

Then she wondered something. “Ty, is it always like this?”

“What, baby?” he asked, looking up from between her legs.

“Sex, love, whatever we have. Is it always like this?”

Pulling himself away from her and standing, he sat on the bench in the shower and pulled her onto his lap, adjusting the shower heads so that they were still pointed at them, but not in their faces.

“Baby, I haven’t been with a lot of women, but I’m not going to lie, I’ve been with a few, and I’ve never felt the way I feel with you with anyone else. I know it’s soon, and I know we don’t know each other very well, but I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. You have become very special to me and if something were to happen to you, I’d be devastated. I hope you have some feeling for me.”

Tammy’s heart melted. She had waited forever for someone to care for her the same way she felt for them. Cupping his face with her hand, she smiled and said. “Tyler, I know it’s soon, but you had a piece of my heart from the moment I first saw you on the road. I know I was pretty out of it that night, but if you hadn’t come back for me, I know I would have lost something good forever. In the short time we’ve been together, you’ve become a very important part of me, a part I don’t want to be without.” She then slipped her hand to the back of his neck and pulled his mouth to hers.