Chapter SEVENTEEN ~ The Dirty Dawson

“Would you hurry up, Cassie!” Lexi exclaimed from behind the locked bathroom door. “It’s going to be midnight before we get out of here.”

“This wasn’t my bright idea, remember?” I replied as I applied my makeup and checked my reflection.

“I know that, but you needed a little push.” Lexi mumbled, and I could imagine her smirk through the door. “Ever since that man came back into your life, you’ve pulled yourself out of that lonely hole. He could be good for you, but you don’t want to admit it.”

“Now is not the time for a relationship.” I grumbled as I rolled my eyes and flung my hair. “I just lost my fiancé, remember?”

“Yes, but life goes on and Matthew wouldn’t want you wasting your life over him.” Lexi said firmly.

I ran my hand through my hair slowly and watched it pop right back into place. Feeling the long red locks within my fingertips and the smoothness of it. Looking at myself in a red dress cut off at the knees and knee-high heels. All ready to hit The Dirty Dawson with my friend, but my nerves are reeling inside.

Matthew’s sweet face came to my mind and my heart grew heavy. His silky black hair and his shimmering bright blue eyes. His charming personality and sweet character. Everything about him I missed, but knew he wasn’t coming back. He’s a memory now of the love I lost, one that I will cherish and hope to find again.

I know he would want me to move on, but it all feels too soon. It all feels so fresh for me and I know Lexi means well. But I still need to protect my heart. I took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts of him aside. The room was closing in on me, with my chest feeling heavy. I need room to breathe.

I opened the door abruptly and stared into Lexi’s enormous eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine, let’s get out of here.” I grumbled as I grabbed my purse and headed for the front door. “I could use a drink.”

“That’s my girl!” Lexi cheered me on and we made our way towards her black truck parked on the side of the road.

I waited for her to unlock it and stepped up to get inside. Taking a seat and pushing the pieces of paper to the side. “You should really clean this shit up, Lexi.”

“Well, my truck is like my love life.” Lexi muttered as she put on her seatbelt and roared the engine to life. “An absolute mess.”

We laughed as we took off and headed straight for The Dirty Dawson. Ready to tuck out messy lives away and get lost in a fun evening. Drinking our cares away and enjoying the surrounding company. I just hoped I could keep a level head with Dante. But my life seems to be full of surprises lately and he’s one of them.

“Looks like someone beat us here already.” Lexi announced as we pulled up over the curb and the truck bounced.

I followed her gaze and saw Dante’s green truck shimmer with the lights in the parking lot. The Dirty Dawson’s packed with the parking lot full except for two more spots. Lexi quickly took one and rolled the truck right into place between the yellow lines. I took a deep breath and swallowed my nerves. Pushing them away as I grab my purse and open the door. Placing my heels onto the damp ground from the evening air and listening to them click as I make my way inside. Giggling with Lexi at one of her jokes and hanging onto her hand. Swinging mine within hers as she pushes the bar door open and we step inside.

Bright lights greet our eyes. The colors of blue, green, purple, white and red. All lighting our way as my eyes roam over the heavy crowd inside and Lexi tugs me forward. She laughed as she pulled on my hand and I followed her lead. Pushing through the crowd of people as we make our way towards the bar and the drinks that await us.

Something caught my eye as we got closer and I couldn’t look away. A powerful tattooed arm with so many memories. His veiny arm was full of firm muscles I could run my hand over and melt on the spot. But my eyes don’t stop there as they travel up his white muscle shirt and get lost in dark brown eyes. Turning towards me and locking me in. Securing me inside his gaze and feeling them roam over my face. It heats up at the very thought of him and my cheeks blush. Knowing they gleam bright red because of him.

Thank god for the dim lighting.

“Dante!” Lexi shouted as she waved her hand his way and he waved back.

I flashed a tight smile towards him and let Lexi tug me in his direction. I felt the need to flee, but he pulled me closer. Pulling me in like he always did and I can’t escape. I can’t run from his good looks, his rugged exterior, and his rough charm. Everything about him draws me towards him like the very first time.

“You two finally made it!” Dante shouted over the country music that blared and filled the bar. “I thought for a moment you changed your mind!”

“Oh, no...” Lexi exclaimed with a half-smile and pointed at me. “This one likes to take her sweet time.”

Dante laughed, and his eyes glowed. Making my heart pound harder inside my chest and feeling it vibrate up my throat. My mouth is going dry at the sight of him, and I need some relief. Coming up beside him as my arm brushes his, and he peers down at me. Smiling, the deadliest smile and my legs wobble. Grabbing onto the bar and looking down shyly.

“What can I get you ladies to drink?” Dante asked as I looked back up at him and he looked from Lexi towards me. “Tonight’s on me.”

I smiled like a fool up at him and couldn’t stop. Everything about this reminded me of the first time I saw him and how he made me feel. The sexual tension that locked between us even from across the room. The way his body drew me in and never let me go. Wanting to know more about him and needing to be near him. Even though everything was so different, it still felt the same.

“We’ll take some vodka on the rocks.” Lexi announced as she smiled brightly and nudged my shoulder. “See? This wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”

All I could do was plaster a smile on my face even though my body burns inside. Setting aflame with the slightest touch of him and his intense stare upon me. Feeling like I might burst right open at any moment and couldn’t wait to let loose. I need that drink and I need it now.

“Can I get a round of vodka on the rocks?” Dante asked the bartender as he turned his attention towards him and pointed at us.

“Yep, coming right up!” The bartender exclaimed as he set to work and I watched for a much-needed distraction. Watching him grab the glasses and fill them up with ice, pouring the liquid inside of them at a fast pace. Seeing him work his magic within seconds and left in awe of his gift. Pushing the round of drinks towards us with a smile on his face. “There you have it, enjoy!”

“Thank you and keep the change.” Dante said as he paid the man cash and handed out the hard liquor. “Cheers!”

“Cheers!” Lexi exclaimed and chugged her drink back.

“Cheers!” I said as I did the same and slugged it back.

The cool liquid went down quickly and smoothly. Feeling my body growing perky and loose. Letting go of all the tension and feeling the excitement of the night taking over. The energy of the atmosphere taking hold of me and making my body sway to the music. Moving to the beat as I grab another drink and head towards the dance floor. Wanting to get lost in the rhythm as my body takes flight and I fly through the night. Feeling Lexi behind me and hearing her laugh. Her hips bumping into mine and her hands on my shoulders.

The alcohol is doing its job and taking hold just like I need it to. I want to enjoy this night and let loose. Lexi grabs my hand and twirls me one way. Twisting me back to the other as we giggle and get lost in the fun. Feeling Dante’s eyes smile at us as he watches on and follows our lead. Seeing his hips sway to the beat and finding it quite impressive. Smiling like a crazy fool and laughing as I shake my hair. Letting it all go with my body, feeling the energetic beat. Twisting, spinning, and swaying. Laughing as Lexi leads my hand towards his and he grabs hold. Feeling it tingle as I take another drink and see Lexi leave me alone with him.

“What the hell, Lexi?” I shouted at her.

She half smiled, raised an eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders. Watching her turn her back towards me and turn her attention to another man. A fine-looking man that loves her dancing and falls right in step with her. Dancing to the beat she makes and enjoying every moment. Letting his hands fall onto her hips and she willingly accepts the gesture. Tossing her head back at something, he whispers in her ear and letting her body sink into his.

Feeling their sexual tension from the sideline and knowing my own sparks. Turning my eyes towards Dante as his shimmer back at me with awkwardness and uncertainty. But it soon disappears as my hand squeezes his and I take a gulp of my drink because I know I’m going to need it. It’s replaced with confidence and that roughness within him I love. The rough side of him that takes hold and doesn’t back down. I needed him to be that for me right now, because I’m unsure without it.

“Well, let’s get this party started.” Dante announced with confidence, and spun me around.

Pulling me in and firmly against his chest. Feeling his chest rise and fall as his hands roam down the sides of my body. Resting upon my hips and feeling them swaying. Mesmerized and captivated by him. Falling into step with him as I smirk wildly and can’t believe I’m in his arms. Lost in them as the beat takes hold and we move together as one. In complete unison, and lost in the tension between our bodies.

We come together and my hands travel down his smooth arms just like I dream of at night. Feeling muscle as it moves with me and he clenches my hips tightly. His fingers dig into my flesh as my ass moves to the beat and I move down. My breasts push up against his body and I come back up. His hands press me flush against him and his hard length presses into my leg. Gasping at the surprise and my body quivering with want. His breath fans my face and his eyes stare into the depths of me. Seeing everything that I’m feeling. All the lust, longing and desire. All for him after all these years.

He breaks contact as he spins me around and presses me up against him. My ass caught against his throbbing need, with my body aching for him. Caught up in him and wanting more.

His hands travel up my sides and into my hair. Brushing it gently to the side as I turn my head and feel his warm breath upon my face. Mine mingles with his own as my ass moves against his firm dick and he groans in my ear. His body shook against me and turned me on even more.

My panties become wet just for him as I grind against him and he loves every minute. Feeling his hands leave my hair as they travel back down and run along my arms. His fingers searched for my hands and intertwined with mine. He circled around me and consumed me. Holding me close as our bodies sway to the beat and as one. Feeling the hot tension fill the air and not giving a fuck who’s watching. The old feeling comes back and consumes me the same way that I consume him. I need him and want him at this very moment.

His body has taken over me and I’m all his. I reached my hands up toward his face with his hands still connected to mine. Running them down our bodies as I feel his breathing pick up pace and know what I’m doing to him. Knowing I could make his night even better as I bend and twerk my ass against his crotch. Feeling his hands leave mine and grab hold of my thighs. Digging in his fingertips as he growls and traces them up. My dress follows his trail and pulls until he touches my silky panties. His hands are biting into my plump ass as I whip my red locks up and press my body flush against his once again. My breathing picks up pace as I circle my hips and grind my round behind into his rigid thickness.

A need takes over me as I turn my head towards his and our lips are only inches apart. I want to kiss him and I sure as hell know he wants the same as me. His eyes search mine as his lips come closer and I can almost taste him. The masculinity of him and the power of him. I want it all and I want him. I can’t deny it any longer.

Suddenly, a woman with blonde hair bumps into Dante from behind. “Oh, gosh, darling, I’m sorry...”

Causing us to break apart and turn our attention towards her. Breaking apart the sexual tension that still lingers in the air and breaking me from my sex haze. I almost lost complete control and gave into him.

“That’s quite all right.” Dante said politely, with a smile.

“Oh, I remember you!” The blonde woman said as her eyes roamed over Dante and she touched his arm. “You were here years ago! I couldn’t forget a sight like you.”

My eyes narrowed as I watched her hand travel down his arm and squeeze his muscles as she went. Her bright eyes beamed up at him like a laser and she had him caught in her sights. Staring at him like he’s the only man in the room when there’s several. Flirting with him like I wasn’t even there. Like I wasn’t just in his arms, lost in a seductive dance. The only ones lost in a heated trance.

Until this bitch showed up.