“Oh, is that right?” Dante chuckled at her and looked back at me. His eyes gleamed with apology and he unknowingly didn’t realize he was in her sights. “I was just dancing with this...”

“Oh, I know. I remember her from years ago. She was the one you had a good time with.” The woman announced with certainty and smiled wickedly. “I couldn’t forget your faces.”

The nerve of this bitch.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” I muttered firmly as my blood boiled every time she ran her hand over him and I shook my head. Grabbing my drink from the table to finish it off and taking a big gulp to help control my raging emotions.

I watched as her eyes never left him and roamed down his body. “Well, I remember your tits hanging out and this fine-looking man was all over you, honey.”

The alcoholic beverage I just tried to consume came flying back out and all over Dante’s nice white muscle shirt. Spitting the last of it all over and staring on with disbelief.

My cheeks heated with embarrassment and my words tumbled out repeatedly. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

Dante looked at me with surprise, but a gorgeous smile still lit up his face. He couldn’t get a word out as he stared at me and the woman’s hands never left him. She ran her fingers over his face to help clean him up and tugged on the bottom of his shirt. “Oh, handsome, let’s go get you another shirt.”

That’s the last thing I heard before she pulled him away and I gazed on with embarrassment. Seeing his eyes plead with mine as she pulls him away, but I’m left in shock by my own actions. Hitting my hand against my forehead repeatedly and feeling like a fool. I’m frustrated with myself for not only looking like a complete idiot, but letting Dante in. Letting him get the best of me and almost losing all control with him once again.

How could I be so careless?

How could I be so stupid?

Dante was only here for a certain amount of time. He’s only here to help my business get back on its feet. He’s only here to visit his grandparents and go right back to his duties. That’s where his life was and always has been. And that’s why he left all those years ago and left me with an empty bed. He wasn’t for me and I sure as hell am not for him. I’m in no shape to be and sex shouldn’t be in the cards for me. But my wet panties scream otherwise. And I need to put a stop to it.

My eyes found Dante and my mouth went dry. His shirts gone and perfectly chiseled abs stared back at me. They moved with each movement he made and begged to be touched. He looked so fucking sexy with a cocky grin on his face and his innocent eyes smiled back at me. Staring down at his gorgeous body as every woman looks and can’t look away. I couldn’t turn away and know I’m doomed.

So much for the drenched panties.

“I had to get away from that crazy woman. She took my shirt!” Dante exclaimed over the music with a crazy grin and shook his head. “She wouldn’t give it back either!”

I giggled at his words and mumbled in his ear. “Well, let’s get out of here.”

Dante looked down at me with confusion. “What about Lexi?”

I gazed around and found Lexi right in the same place I last saw her. Right in the arms of another guy, and they danced seductively together. “Lexi’s a big girl, she will be fine.”

Dante nodded his head and grabbed hold of my hand. An electric current ran through me at his touch, but I didn’t pull away. He led me out the way we came. Leaving this place together for the very first time. Not me running after him or me fleeing from him. But together as one, and the feeling was so right. I didn’t want to admit it to myself and pushed it aside as he held the door for me. Never letting go of my hand and leading me towards his truck.

The green tints of it shimmered with the parking lot lights, and the vehicle suited him. The power it held and the color. The green paint is the same tint as the military suits he wears. I’m not even sure green is his favorite color. I don’t even know all there is to know about Mr. Dixon, and I didn’t care.

I stepped into his truck as he held the door open for me, and I loved the gesture. Never thinking he would be the kind of man to even hold the door for a woman, but he actually was. Dante Dixon is rough, but only around the edges. Inside, he’s soft at heart and there’s so much that I still had to learn about him.

“Let’s get you home, Cassie.” Dante breathed as he roared the engine and took off into the night.

Leaving the bar behind and heading toward my place. Watching as the moon shines in the sky and a light foggy mist spreads throughout the small town’s streets. Making it harder to see, but the streetlights help guide the way home.

I could hear his steady breath over top of the engine. Hearing it mingle with my own, and I ponder if he’s as nervous as I am. The windows inside the truck fogged up slightly from the undeniable heat inside. The tension fills the cab of it and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know what’s going to happen or if I’m even ready.

Was he going to kiss me?

Or am I going to give in?

My place isn’t far from The Dirty Dawson and before I knew it, I was home safely. He pulled up on the side of the street, right out in front of my shop, and cut the engine. My gaze fell over him and I couldn’t look away.

The sight of him is magnificent.

The air was warm, but his nipples remained perky. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. His arm rested over the steering wheel and he looked amazing behind the wheel of his truck. Everything inside of me screamed to take him. But everything outside of me went still and quiet. Everything except our steady breaths.

“We made it.” He breathed as he looked over at me and our gazes locked. “I, ah, guess I will see you in the morning?”

“Um, ya, in the morning...” I mumbled nervously and my hand fumbled for my purse, but I dropped it on the floor.

“Here, let me get that...” Dante whispered as he moved closer and reached down to retrieve my fallen purse. His hand brushing my bare leg and sending shivers through my body. Grabbing my purse, but running the back of his hand up my leg. Leaving goosebumps in his wake that I’m sure he feels against his flesh. “It looks like you need some help.”

“Yes, I-I do...” I groaned with heated lust as his eyes met mine once again and he laid the purse within my grasp. “T-thank you.”

“Oh, you don’t need to thank me, darling.” Dante groaned as his fingertips caressed my cheek, brushed strands of hair behind my ear, and his hand cupped the back of my neck.

His lips inched closer towards my face and I closed my eyes. Getting ready for him to take my lips and never let me up for air. After all this desire and all this time, I need it. No matter how much I denied him, I needed him and I knew it deep down. My body knew it and it’s just me getting in my own way. But now, no more as his lips traveled closer, and I fell into him. Waiting for the contact that I crave and needing it more than I realize. That is, until his silky full lips softly touch my cheek and release me from his burning embrace.

“Goodnight, beautiful.” He whispered in my ear and pulled away.

I opened my eyes and tried to contain myself. The desire I felt inside of me tried to take over, but I pushed it away. “Goodnight, Dante.”

I clenched my purse close and opened the door. Unable to look away from him as I left his warm truck. Stepping out into the cool night air and feeling a chill. Missing his warmth and powerful embrace that keeps me wanting more. Feeling relief falling over me, but that strong desire for him just to have me.

The confusion I feel is overwhelming and causes me to break his intense stare. Making my way towards the front entrance and listening to his engine roar to life. Feeling his protective gaze burning into my backside and I long to turn around, but know this is for the best. Dante and I shouldn’t go there and it’s too soon. Tonight, was fun, and that’s all it was. A fun evening with co-worker’s and a man that would soon leave my life once again.

So why did I feel like I wanted more?