Chapter SIXTEEN ~ Cassie’s Blossoms

My alarm blared, andI shot out of bed. Hating that dreadful sound as I make it stop and hit the snooze button. Laying back down in bed and not wanting the morning to begin.

Instead, I wanted to curl up in a ball and pretend yesterday never happened. That Dante never let me in and told me his darkest secret. And that I just didn’t do the same. I should’ve known better and kept my mouth shut, but there’s just something about that man that draws me to him.

And I can’t let him go.

“Get up, Cassie...” I groaned as I dragged myself out of bed and knew the day had to go on. Customers would come and the shop had to open. Whether or not I wanted it to. “Oh, would you shut up?”

My alarm sounded again as I angrily turned it off and tossed my cell phone back on my pillow. Pulling the sheets up as I make the bed fast and head for the bathroom. Grabbing my clothes that I left out for today and wandering inside. Not bothering to close the door because no one is here, and it’s just me. I still had to open the shop for Dante and Lexi to arrive. Helping me open and get everything ready for the day.

I turned on the hot water as steam rose and water trickled down the drain. Feeling the spray until the temperature was just right for me to step inside. I discarded my smelly pajamas and tossed them on the floor. Walking into the warm water to help wake me up from my deep sleep. Hoping this would help me feel better about the day, but knowing deep down it wouldn’t.

Yesterday was a disaster, and I doubted today would be any better.

I lathered the soap and cleansed my body. Washing away yesterday and trying to start fresh. Scrubbing my hair with my fruity shampoo and the aroma fills the bathroom. Rinsing everything off and turning off the water. Grabbing a fresh towel that hangs on the drying rack and stepping out. Feeling the cold tiles touch my feet as I shiver and can’t wait to get dressed. Drying myself quickly and throwing my wet hair up inside a towel to dry.

I got dressed in a pretty pink blouse and buttoned the buttons. Throwing on my lacy pink underwear to match with tight blue jeans. Nothing too fancy for work, but professional enough to pass.

I looked at myself in the mirror and knew I needed a slight touch of makeup. Putting some on quickly and glancing at the time. Knowing I need to hurry because the day is about to begin. Pushing toothpaste onto my toothbrush and brushing the bristles against my teeth. Making them nice and clean. Pulling my red hair from the wet towel and letting it fall onto my shoulders. I ran a brush through it several times until the wet layers were just right. I applied a slight red shade of lipstick and puckered my lips. Blowing myself a kiss and setting off for the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat.

I grabbed a three-cheese bagel and plucked it in the toaster. Pouring some water into the coffeemaker and firing it up. Grabbing the butter from the fridge and waiting for my bagel to pop. The bagel is hot as it comes out of the toaster and I juggle it between my hands. I place it on the plate and spread a thick amount of butter on top. Watching it melt and drizzle from the bagel as I take a bite. Enjoying the delicious taste of toasted cheese and warm butter. Grabbing the coffee pot and pouring myself a big mug to enjoy. Watching the steam rise from it as I blow on the liquid and take a sip. Feeling the warm flow run down my throat as it warms my body and energizes me for the long day ahead.

A day that I’m dreading and hoping Dante doesn’t attend. Crossing my fingers that he stays away and never comes back. Yesterday was too much and brought back too many memories. Ones that I should try to avoid and not deal with. But it seems to hit me head on.

I headed towards the store area and dropped the rest of my bagel into the trash on the way. Taking my morning coffee with me because I had a feeling, I will need it. I opened the blinds and let the morning sunlight shine through. Streaming onto the flower shops, clean countertops and the flower arrangements already made for customers who need them. Bright colors of red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, purple and green. The scent of fresh flowers filling my nose as I sniff the air and a sneeze quickly escapes. Smiling at the surprise and unlocking the front door. Opening the shop for Lexi’s arrival and Dante’s unsure greeting. Glancing at the time and knowing they should be here any minute now. And as the time ticked by, I hoped he didn’t show up.

But to my surprise, his brown head appeared through the storefront window as he stalked inside and greeted me with unsure brown eyes. “Good morning, Cassie.”

“Oh, um, good morning.” I breathed as I found my words and smiled slightly. “We, ah, we should get started.”

I fumbled to find the right words, and Dante just nodded his head. “Right.”

He avoided eye contact with me, and I did the same as we got to work. Working on opposite sides and trying to keep our distance from each other with the compact space between us. Our backs turned towards one another, but our body heat radiated. Bouncing off of each other and making it hard to keep focus. Wanting nothing more than to just do my job, but he’s very distracting.

I’m frustrated as my hands fumble to find the right flower to cut and create the arrangement that was ordered. The situation is awkward and distracting. The air is tense and not at all relaxed. And I wished more than anything I could take back yesterday.

“Oh, geez, Cassie, I’m sorry.” Dante breathed with a nervous laugh as his back bumped into me and he turned around.

I spun around to see where he was and moved out of his way. But ended up bumping into his firm chest. “Oh, I, um...”

We both laughed nervously as I fixed my wet locks and tucked it behind my ear. His hand reached out to fix the other side and an electric current coursed through me. Starting at my earlobe and traveling to my toes. His eyes locked with mine and I couldn’t pry them away. The moment was an intense heat as my chest rose and fell.

I wanted to speak, but I simply couldn’t. Lost in a trance only he brought to me and I can never escape. Getting caught up in this ruggedly handsome man once again and not sure what to do about it. But I knew it was wrong. I knew it was too soon, and I needed to make this stop.

Suddenly, the front door flew open and hit the wall with a loud bang. We both jumped and separated. Creating that distance that I need to breathe properly again and gather myself.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you open?” A young woman asked as she looked from me to Dante. “I need a flower arrangement made quickly for my mother-in-law.”

“Yes, we are and I’m more than happy to help you.” I answered with a bright smile and felt thankful for the interruption. “Right this way.”

Dante stood in my way and his deep brown eyes peered down into mine. “Cassie, we should talk about this.”


I didn’t want to talk. I simply wanted to do my job and keep my business running. A business he agreed to help with and was now getting in my way. I smiled sarcastically and tilted my head to the side. “Excuse me, Dante.”

Dante shook his head, cleared his throat, and stepped aside. Moving out of my way and leaving whatever happened between us behind. And I’m more than happy he did. I just wanted to drop it and do my job. That’s all I needed right now. I didn’t need this extra distraction from him, and I never once asked for it.

“Now, I’m in a bit of a rush and need this straight away.” The woman said as she followed behind me and I rounded the counter with her steady on my heels. “My mother-in-law is coming to town for the first time and I need to make a good impression.”

I frowned towards her and found it rather odd she’s never met her husband’s mother before. But it’s not the first time a customer has come in here with a crazy story. “Ma’am, I will need you to stand on the other side of the counter please while I get your order ready.”

“Okay, but make it snappy.” She snapped at me, and I tried to hold my frustration with her inside. “I need a dozen red roses, but the biggest you have.”

“Coming right up, ma’am.” I smiled through clenched teeth and hoped she didn’t notice my disapproval of her abrupt entrance into my shop.

I already have my hands full with plenty of orders that needed to be done today and didn’t need this. But it comes with the business and I have a job to do. I fumbled around to find the perfect red roses she spoke of and gathered them in my hands. Bringing them over to the counter to prepare to cut off the stems and get them ready. Holding them firmly in my grasp as I gaze down at the other orders all organized in my way. Trying to find a spot to create this one without messing up the others.

“No, those just won’t do. I need bigger roses, much bigger than those tiny ones.” The blonde-haired woman said with disgust and waved them away.

I peered at her with frustration, and I felt my nostrils flare. My hands shook, and the rose trembled. I didn’t need this shit or this woman barging into my store. I had enough going on here. Her panicked and picky attitude was not needed. I stepped forward with the roses and peered straight at her with heated eyes. “Listen, I don’t...”

My foot caught on something on the floor, and I stumbled. Causing the roses to all fall to the floor as I grab onto the countertop and save myself from a fall. “What kind of service is this? Now, I’m going to be late for sure!”

Her voice pierced my ears, and I felt like telling her where to shove her rude attitude. Instead, I bent down to retrieve the fallen roses and bit my tongue. Just because my life is a mess right now doesn’t mean I need to make myself the talk of the town. My business had an excellent reputation, and I needed to uphold that. I needed to make this right, even though this woman was getting on my very last nerve.

What the hell am I going to do?

“Well, ma’am, I wouldn’t be saying that. I think your mother-in-law will find this bouquet rather lovely.” Dante announced as he walked around the corner with a large arrangement of a dozen big red roses in his grasp and smiled brightly at our customer. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Those are perfect and the service was pleasantly fast!” The woman exclaimed as she ate her words and smiled brightly at him.

I gazed on with shock and pleasant surprise as his face beamed behind the roses. My mouth fell open as I stood up, turned my surprise into a smile, and pointed towards them. “Well, that’s the service you get here at Cassie’s Blossoms.”

The woman reached into her purse and pulled out a fifty. Handing it to Dante and taking the flowers from his grasp. “Keep the change because you made my day.”

We watched the woman leave with the enormous bouquet blocking her face the entire way. But I knew an even bigger smile laid upon her face and Dante had saved the day. He impressed me with the way he handled the situation and I’m grateful for the help. The problem was getting out of hand, and if it wasn’t for him, it could’ve been much worse.

“I’m sorry that I just took over there, but...” Dante breathed as he placed the cash in the register and turned towards me.

“No, no, don’t apologize.” I interrupted as our eyes locked and I reached out to touch his arm. “You handled that great and saved my ass.”

We laughed, but it soon faded, and the air sizzled between us. My mouth slightly opened as I watched his hand come up and softly caress my cheek. Feeling my entire body tingle at his tender touch, but I want more.

I closed my eyes and wanted him to kiss me. To feel his lips take mine and ravish me. Taking me completely until I whimper for him and my panties become wet. Getting ready for him and needing him.

His thumb traveled over my bottom lip and rubbed me there. My breath picked up pace, and I heard him groan. That’s when I opened my eyes and his gaze was no longer locked on mine. But lingered on my lips with his milky brown eyes full of passion.

“I’m here! Sorry I’m late!” Lexi exclaimed as the door banged shut and we both jumped. She gazed from Dante and back towards me with a raised eyebrow. “Did I miss anything?”

I looked down at my hand, still connected with Dante’s warm skin, and jerked it away. Heat rose to my cheeks as they flamed red and my voice shook. “N-no, you didn’t.”

Dante looked everywhere except me and cleared his throat. “I’m going to finish up those orders in the back.”

I watched him walk away quickly and not look back. Lexi stepped towards me with a huge smirk on her face and whispered loudly at me. “Okay, what the hell did I miss?”

I put my finger up towards my lips to shush her and whispered back. “Would you keep your voice down? Absolutely nothing happened. We were just working.”

“Oh, bullshit, Cassie and you know it.” Lexi whispered with frustration and waved her hands in the air. “You’re not a talented liar.”

I sighed deeply, plopped my elbows on the counter, and held my head in between my hands. “Okay, I’m not...”

“Well...” Lexi whispered with excitement and moved closer. “Spill!”

“Fine, but don’t you dare say anything.” I grumbled with displeasure and told my best friend what happened yesterday.

Lexi couldn’t contain herself with the news and pulled on my arm. She got a wicked glow in her eyes and an even bigger grin on her face. “Okay, I have an idea. So, just play along... Dante!”

Her echo with his name on it filled the entire store front as I pulled at her arm and begged her not to. Shaking my head repeatedly as I mouthed the word no, but she wouldn’t listen. Instead, a determined look filled her presence and greeted Dante with a gigantic smile. I immediately stopped the foolishness and replaced it with a sweet smile in his presence.

“Why don’t you join us later for some drinks at The Dirty Dawson?” Lexi grinned as she looked at me and back at Dante. “I think you know the place?”

“Oh, I don’t think he will have time. He’s here to see family and probably needs time with them.” I said as my eyes pleaded with my friend to stop this at once, but ignored my gesture. Instead, I turned my attention towards Dante and hoped he agreed.

“They will actually be out for the night and I’d love to go.” Dante agreed with a gorgeous grin on his face and peered straight into my eyes. “What’s the worst that could happen?”