Since he’d arranged it already so it would never happen, he had nothing to worry about. Trent didn’t know his plan, and he couldn’t risk telling even his brother about his and Brooklyn’s arrangement. The more people in on a secret, the greater chance of it getting out.

“I’ll survive if they do,” Derek said, playing it off as if he wasn’t bothered by the possibility.

“Either you lost your mind or you’ve figured out a way to get out of the event before it happens. My money is on the first,” Trent said.

In his arms, Kendrick started fussing, and Derek took that as his cue to leave. “I think this sound means someone needs you,” he said, carrying Kendrick over to Addie.

“He probably needs a change.” She took the baby from him before she said, “I can show you how. You never know when you might need to know.”

He loved his nephew and would do anything for him, but he drew the line at changing diapers. “Thanks, but I doubt I’ll need that particular skill anytime soon.”

“Don’t say I didn’t offer.” She glanced over at Trent. “Since he needs a change anyway, I’m going to give him his bath too.”

Before she left, Derek gave Addie a kiss on the cheek

. “I’m going soon. I’ll see you later.”

“I’ve got some advice for you. Be sure you pick out something to match your eyes for the auction. If you need help shopping, I’m sure Addie will help you,” Trent said once his wife left.

Derek stifled a groan. Until the damn event happened, he suspected his brothers would be constantly giving him a hard time about it. Of course, if Trent were the one participating, he wouldn’t be able to resist either. “Shut up, Trent.”

“Are they going to record the event so I can watch it later?”

Dear God, he hoped not. “No idea.” He started walking away. Now seemed as good a time as any to go and visit Gray. With any luck, he hadn’t heard about how their loving and caring aunt had trapped him into the fundraiser. However, since Trent knew, there was a decent chance Gray did too. The joys of a close-knit family.

“If not, maybe Addie can record it for me with her phone.”

Trent’s comment stopped him. “Addie’s going? Who else will be there?” Great, just what he needed, all his female relatives in attendance to witness perhaps the most degrading moment of his life.


Well, her presence made sense. Aunt Marilyn was her mom.

“Callie and Leah plan on going too,” Trent said, naming two more of their cousins. “Of course Abby will be there.”

Several of his cousins and his stepmother in attendance, wonderful. Maybe all his female relatives should go and turn it into a family affair.

“Fantastic. I’m sure one of them will record it for you if you ask.” Derek didn’t wait for a response.


Derek exited the elevator and stifled a yawn. He’d spent the last three hours with his brother watching Terminator and eating pizza. Only once during the entire time did Gray mention the auction, and then it’d only been to let him know their stepmom had invited Kiera to join her. Thankfully Kiera had to work, so at least one less person he considered family would be there.

“Have a nice night, Mr. Sherbrooke,” Dion said from where he still sat at the security desk in the lobby.

“You too.” Derek headed for the stairwell door, which led down to the parking garage, but it opened before he reached it.

“I believe tonight’s show was the best performance of Hamlet I’ve seen outside of London,” a male voice he didn’t recognize said moments before Brooklyn appeared in the doorway.

“The only time I’ve seen Hamlet on stage was in high school. The drama club put it on my junior year.” With her head turned toward Trevor behind her, she couldn’t see him standing near the security desk.

“Ambitious choice for a high school production.” Trevor appeared next to her as they entered the lobby.

Derek couldn’t stop from giving Brooklyn the once-over. At the office she wore professional business suits, and when they hung out together she stuck with jeans and yoga pants. No one would ever call her dress tonight provocative, but it immediately called his attention to her curvy figure. Although he insisted she looked great, he knew Brooklyn was constantly trying to lose a few pounds. Looking at her now in that dress only reinforced what he already knew: she didn’t need to change anything. The side glances the security guard kept sending her way proved his point. He doubted she’d noticed though.

“Perhaps, but —” Brooklyn paused and changed direction so they were headed toward him rather than the elevators, indicating she’d spotted him. “Derek. Hey, how are you?”

He noticed how Trevor moved a step or two closer to her when they stopped. “Good. Just leaving Gray’s. He’s single for the evening, so I kept him company.” Derek switched his attention to Trevor and extended his hand. “Nice to see you again, Trevor. It’s been a while.”