“One of your family’s New Year’s Eve parties, I believe.” Trevor shook his hand and then placed his palm on Brooklyn’s back. The possessive gesture had Derek clenching his teeth again. At this rate, he saw a trip to the dentist in his future.

“I believe you’re right.” He didn’t know when or where they’d last seen each other, and honestly it didn’t matter. “I heard you mention Hamlet. Did you see the show tonight?” If Trevor wanted to show Brooklyn a nice night, he should’ve picked something besides a Shakespeare play. He knew she’d never been much into literature predating the nineteenth century.

“We did. It’s at the Performing Arts Center until the end of the month,” Brooklyn answered. “It was well done.” She smiled as she spoke, but he heard the truth behind her words. She’d been bored to death during the performance. He didn’t blame her. He would’ve been bored too, especially if he had Trevor as a companion for the evening.

“I’m glad I ran in to you tonight because I was going to call you in the morning anyway. Can you help me shop for a wedding present tomorrow? Sara’s wedding is next weekend, and I still need a gift.”

He hadn’t intended to ask her to go shopping or anywhere else this weekend. And he didn’t need a wedding present. Sara and Christopher’s gift was wrapped and sitting in a closet at home. But he suddenly wanted to see her tomorrow.

Brooklyn went to push up the glasses she wasn’t wearing, and then she glanced at Trevor. “Sorry, I can’t this weekend. Cheyenne’s visiting me.”

She’d never mentioned a visit from her cousin. Normally she told him things like that. Sometimes the three of them would even get together when she came to Providence. While he didn’t like Brooklyn’s sisters, he liked her cousin. “Last-minute thing?”

“Um, yeah. She called right before I went out tonight.”

She didn’t have plans with her cousin this weekend, so why was she claiming she did? As far as he knew, she’d never made up an excuse before to get out of doing something with him. Was her little story now more for Trevor’s benefit? Regardless of the reason behind her lie, he’d go along with it. The next time they were alone he’d ask her about it though. “I’ll see if Courtney’s around then to help me. And I’ll see you at the office on Monday. Trevor, it was nice seeing you again.”

Trevor gave a slight nod. “You too.”

Although he didn’t want to leave Trevor and Brooklyn alone, Derek couldn’t think of any reason to stick around any longer. “Brooklyn, say hi to Cheyenne for me.”

“Sure. Have a safe drive home.”

Derek walked away. When he reached the stairwell door, he turned around and watched Trevor and Brooklyn enter the elevator. He still had his hand on her lower back and the sight had Derek yanking the door open with more force than necessary. He really should’ve gone home after work tonight.

Chapter 3

The large arrangement of flowers on her desk caught her eye the moment she walked into her office Monday afternoon. She’d popped into work briefly this morning before heading off to court but hadn’t been back since. Even without reading the card attached to the arrangement, she had a good idea who sent them. Trevor. She blew a stray piece of hair out of her eyes and plucked the card out. The knock on the ajar door kept her from opening the envelope, and she gestured for the receptionist to enter.

“A courier just delivered this,” Isabelle said, coming toward the desk with a large envelope.

“Thank you. I’ve been expecting these files.”

“Those flowers came this morning, not long after you left.” She nodded toward the arrangement. “Whoever sent them has wonderful taste.”

She heard the inquiry in the receptionist’s voice. In all the years she’d worked at the firm, she’d never received flowers or any other gifts from anyone and the entire office knew she was single. “They are pretty and brighten up the room.” Brooklyn added the package the receptionist handed her to the in-bin on her desk. “Is Max in this afternoon?”

“No, he hasn’t returned from his meeting yet.”

Since it was already four thirty, she suspected he might not bother coming back at all today. “If he comes in before you go, can you let me know? I’d like to speak with him before I leave tonight.”


nbsp; After promising she’d let her know if the other attorney returned, Isabelle cast one more look toward the flowers before leaving the office and closing the door behind her.

Alone, she turned on her computer and then pulled the card from its envelope.

Thank you for a wonderful evening Friday. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Trevor.

Collapsing into her chair, she closed her eyes. They’d gone out once and already he was sending her flowers. Not good. Not good at all.

Another knock at the door had her sitting up straight. Perhaps Max had returned and she could distract herself from the flowers with a conversation about her newest case. “Come in.”

“Did you just get here?” Derek asked, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.

“A few minutes ago.” She relaxed again in her chair. While not the man she’d hoped to see, she did need to speak with Derek too. “But I’m not sure why I bothered. It’s almost five already, and I’m beat.”

“Rough day?” He took the seat across from her and took a drink from the coffee mug in his hand.