“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Addie gave him a wide-eyed innocent look. “Nothing. Who did she go out with tonight? Anyone I’ve met?”

Derek didn’t buy her answer. If it’d been his sister sitting there, he would’ve pressed for a better one. He wouldn’t do it to Addie. “I doubt it. His name is Trevor Jones. He’s a professor at Brown University.” In his arms, Kendrick fidgeted, and he readjusted his position so the baby’s head rested against his shoulder.

“You’re right, I don’t know him. But what’s wrong with him? You make it sound as if dating him is the end of the world.”

How had she derived that from his simple sentence? “He’s too old for her.” He couldn’t complain they had nothing in common because honestly he knew very little about Trevor. They may share all the same interests.

“Brooklyn must not think so if she accepted his invitation out.”

Before he could provide an answer, Trent joined them. “Derek, when did you get here?”

“Not long ago.” He watched Trent sit next to his wife and put an arm around her shoulders. He’d never imagined his oldest brother settling down, but not only had he gotten married, he now had a son. “She didn’t go out with him because she wanted to.”

“Are you talking about Brooklyn and Trevor Jones?” Trent asked. “I saw them leaving together when I walked in the building tonight.”

Derek nodded. “Her father arranged it.”

“Ouch.” Addie cringed. “Getting set up on a first date is hard enough. I can’t imagine going on one my dad arranged for me.” A slight tremor went though her body. “But who knows, it might work out for them.”

Why couldn’t anyone but him see how wrong the whole thing was? “Novak’s hoping Brooklyn and Trevor get together because he wants to acquire Atlantic Coast Marketing; it’s Dimension’s biggest rival.”

Addie scrunched up her eyebrows. “Back up a little because I don’t know what or who you’re talking about.”

Occasionally he forgot Addie had only entered Trent’s life the previous summer and wasn’t familiar with all the people they knew. “Brooklyn’s father owns Dimension Marketing in New York. Trevor’s grandfather, Lawrence Jones, is the president of Atlantic Coast, another big firm. Novak wants to acquire Atlantic Coast, and he’s hoping a marriage between his daughter and Jones’s grandson will seal the deal.”

“No way. People don’t do those things anymore. Brooklyn’s dad must think they’ll get along well together. Maybe they have a lot of things in common.”

“I’ve met Brooklyn’s father and Lawrence Jones, and wouldn’t put it past either of them to do something like that,” Trent offered.

“I’m not making it up. She promised her father she’d get to know him.” Pain radiated along his jaw, an indication he was clenching his teeth again. It happened whenever he thought about the situation between Brooklyn and Trevor.

Addie frowned and shrugged a shoulder. “Still doesn’t mean they won’t have fun together.”

“Novak’s an ass for asking her to do this.” He kept from saying such things to Brooklyn, but with her not around, he could say how he really felt. “He could’ve asked her sister instead.”

Trent choked on the drink he’d swallowed and coughed several times. “Milan with Trevor, now that’s an entertaining idea. And maybe Addie’s right. Trevor’s okay. Maybe things will work out between him and Brooklyn.”

He’d had enough of this particular conversation. Trevor could be on his way to sainthood and still not be the right person for Brooklyn. “Do you think we can move on to something else?”

Addie stared at him for a few heartbeats, once again making him feel as if she were tearing apart his personal thoughts. Then she suddenly smiled and nodded. The gesture had him wondering what she thought she’d suddenly discovered about him.

“I had lunch with Aunt Marilyn yesterday,” Trent said, taking control of the conversation and obliging Derek’s request.

Since they worked in the same building, Trent and their aunt often had lunch together during the week. Once in a while, he even joined them when it fit into his schedule. However, since she’d made her surprise visit to his condo, he hadn’t spoken to her or stopped in her office to say hello.

“All she talked about was the upcoming auction. I still can’t believe she talked you into it.”

Great. They went from one annoying topic to another. Perhaps he should’ve taken Gray up on his offer and joined him instead tonight.

“Scott agreeing makes sense. But you?” Trent smirked and Derek wished he could wipe the expression off his face. “Almost wish I could go and see you parading around on the stage. Are they going to make you put on a swimsuit?”

“It’s not a beauty pageant, moron.” Why had he thought visiting his brother was a good way to spend an evening? Kendrick moved in his arms, and he looked down at him. Right, he’d wanted to spend time with his nephew. For him, he could deal with his brother’s harassment.

Addie nudged her husband in the side with her elbow. “Leave him alone. It’s for a good cause.”

“Good cause or not, I would’ve made a generous donation before ever getting up on stage. What if the highest bidder is someone like Tasha Marshall or Zoe Laurent? There’s no way I’d survive four dates with either of those two. What the hell will you do if you end up the prize for one of them?”