Jason must have done a really good job explaining Cara’s situation to everyone at the party because the only people who remotely brought it up were her brothers Christopher and Johnny. They both wanted to make sure that she knew they’d kill Cooper Madison if he ever mistreated her.

Gabriella absolutely loved her Baby Alive doll, and made sure everybody at the party witnessed it “pooping”. What really made her day was seeing her father smile when Gabby hopped up on his lap when it was time to blow out the candles on her cake. She had not seen him smile like that in months.

Just as Cara’s mom Joanne was wrapping up pieces of leftover birthday cake for the guests to take with them came a knock at the front door.

“I’ll get it!” Gabby said as she bounded across the room.

Nobody paid much attention to it until they heard her rapid-fire questioning the visitor like only a six-year-old can.

“Who are you? It’s my birthday. Do you want cake? Is that for me? Thanks!”

Gabby came bounding back into the kitchen holding what appeared to be a very large and professionally wrapped present.

“Cara someone is here to see you and he gave me a big present!”

Cara made her way to the front door and locked eyes with Cooper Madison as he stood just inside.

“I hope y’all don’t mind me showing up unannounced, and all, but I should’ve said yes when you asked me. I wanted to say yes, and I don’t know why I didn’t. I apologize.”

“You don’t have to apologize for anything, I shouldn’t have even asked you. It wasn’t fair of me.”

“Well, I sure am glad that you did.”

“Me too...”

“Come on inside. We have plenty of cake and ice cream.”

“Did you tell them?” Coop asked.

“Jason took care of that for me, thank God. How’d you get here, anyway?”

“I called for a car. Rahul’s outside.”

“Awe, we should invite him inside.”

“He will just decline. Company policy won’t let him leave the car unattended. Besides, I think he likes the peace and quiet. The guy does have five kids at home…”

“I can’t even imagine…”

Gabby’s shrieks of joy interrupted the conversation.

Cara immediately looked at Coop.

“What on earth did you get her?”

“Well, I can’t take all the credit. Simon actually went and picked it up for me.”

“That explains the perfect wrapping paper.”

“That obvious, huh?”

Gabby ran up to the couple and screamed, “Thank you so much! This is the best birthday ever!”

Cara shot Coop a look.

“I just had Simon pick out a few things for her new Baby Alive doll.”